From the auction description: "There is no targa top any more, the body is solid steal"
From the auction description: "There is no targa top any more, the body is solid steal"
the A-hole should at have at least walked over and apologized to #212.
Did somebody say they were looking for something worthy of a stick? I think I found one.
@Dab O' Swine: Yep. Funny experience. The local PD came to one of our autocross events. We had a full 1-mile course (you did part of the course twice). I was driving a stock-engined 1.7 liter 914 that makes 80hp on a good day. My worst lap was 13 seconds faster than the fasted LEO lap. 13 seconds per mile! Guys with…
Greatness is achieved by doing your own personal best - not by comparing yourself to your competitors and nudging yourself just enough to edge past them. Saying your goal is to only be lighter than your competition is not a very high bar when your competition is obese.
No car deserves a stick unless it was born with one. It's a paradox of nature. Having a stick is the only thing that makes it worthy to have one.
A backwards Accord just like when GM made a sports car out of a backwards Chevette. What could possibly go wrong?!
@calzonegolem: Failure to achieve sufficient velocity. The shark has been humped.
That's our show for tonight. Until next time, goodnight... and big balls.
So not only do the Brits get to thumb their nose at me while they drive Radicals on the streets of England, but now they come to the USA and parade around in one to add insult to injury!
@accipiter: Awesome comment. Goshawk approves.
@bradleysoken: awesome.
@Spiegel Che Guevara: Out West it was Inbred Redneck Out Cruisin'.
Can you call you really call falling into the gutter a "leap"?
Boo. Nobody who ever got a DUI is cooler than me. Until the DUI he was untouchable, but if you have had a DUI you are cooler than nobody.
So to change modes you have to stop, turn the engine off, change keys, and restart. Brilliant.
If you have an E36 or earlier you get no love for anything that starts with "i". So I salute my fellow DIY Jalops and offer my own mod. I yanked the ash tray from my console and cackled an evil defiant laugh while I milled it out to accept an ipod. Aloha hard, BMW. (shown with door in open position. Normally closed…
Crack. It looks like a Daytona that grew up in a trailerpark. What's with the stance and ride height? Ackkk.