airsix73 914-turbo unicorn reserve not met

@jambro: Don't get me started on that. I have no idea why the world has latched onto "iron" as the symbol of strength. Iron is crap. His name should be "Alloy Man - with fine grain structure and carbides for extra hardness without sacrificing toughness!"

There are no rockets in this story except in the title. They are jets. He is jet man. I don't care if "rocket man" sounds cooler. My peeve level on this is bested only by improper use of the word turbo. Ok, I admit improper use of turbo annoys me a whole lot more.

Nooooooo!!!! I said bring me the one on the LEFT! Oh well.

Oh, I get it. Air gets sucked into the turbo where it gets compressed. This raises it's temperature. Then it gets piped through an intercooler, which lowers its temperature. The air passing over the outside of the intercooler gets heated and sucked into the turb.. hey, wait a minute...

"my 944's are as reliable as the timing belts and the DME

If your budget is $100 then the best upgrades for the money are to

@sinyster: I want to see this tested too. In fact, if you go to the show's fan forum you'll see this as the most requested myth. Everyone is asking for it and have been from the beginning. Either they're saving it for a grand finale' or they're too chicken-$#!+ to try it, but either way it's odd to have so many fans

WOW! It has 168hp and FWD instead of 550hp and AWD, but other than that it's just like a rally car!

@MustangChris429: Very low production numbers. The tooling and setup costs for machined and heat treated parts is huge. Then, if you only make a few of them that cost can't be spread out much. It might be a $8 bolt if they made millions of them, but if they only make 1,000 the per-unit cost is huge.

I'm hung up in a feedback loop on how Yakima works into this.

Finished an afternoon of water-skiing with friends when I was 21. Leaving the boat ramp we saw a boat motor up to the dock to offload passengers and such. There were 5 or 6 in the party. A beautiful bikini-clad young woman tripped climbing over the high sides of the boat and dropped her keys between the boat and the

Looks like an early '90's Grand Prix showed up to the class reunion having gained 50lbs since graduation. I like the models though.

@jakebonz: Thankyou!!!!!! I had no idea there were topgear episodes on Netflix. Sweet.

The correct answer is "my car". Any other answer is unacceptable.

When a 64 yr old guy can be this interesting there is still some hope for humanity.

That was awesome.

Let's start small (Radical SR-something). I know these are on US tracks, but they're also on UK streets.

I was blessed to have a mother who drove an awesome sleeper. A white Ford Custom 500 427 police interceptor. Dad bought it from the state patrol when I was 3. It had been used as an administrative vehicle. No cage, never been on patrol, never had a light bar or radios. Just a plain white ford with a monster under the