
When I was a kid and the family would get mail for Dr. & Mrs. my Mum would lose her shit and I didn’t get why until I was older. My MUM was the doctor (PhD) my Dad just a piddly Engineer (JK, don’t kill me. Electrical Engineer blasts away my BA for sure). Mr. & Dr. was the correct way mail should have been. I just

I’m in the third camp of commentary: That isn’t Sasha Obama. It’s a gal who looks a lot like her but nah. 

Yeah. I also think he was slipping into Johnny Depp “Dangerous bad boy genius actor” territory. Hollywood loovvess a dangerous “Bad Boy” figure with addiction issues. Depp, Shia, Robert Downey Jr, Sean Penn. It’s not hard to see why they let him slide. Hollywood literally lets them ALL slide. Abusers are an open

Ok, we can all agree that Epstein is an idiot who doesn’t deserver further attention. But a newspaper that is willing to publish trash and other questionable editorials is no longer a reputable source. I’m putting WSJ on permanent ignore.

At the high school I teach in, everyone with a PhD goes by Dr except the (only) two men with doctorates. It’s pretty standard to go by Dr in prep school land if you have a PhD, so I feel like it’s a bit of an “I’m too cool to use my title” move. Obviously, everyone should go by whatever title they’re comfortable with

EVERY YEAR I get this on Christmas cards. Mrs. HISLASTNAME. Gee, thanks. You know that is not my last name. You also know I’m a doctor. Some of these people even attended my dissertation defense.


So now we’re at the part where they start treating Biden and his family as if they’re “the same” as Waddles, his idiot wife and his half-witted kids. She has every right to be addressed as “Dr.” as she earned a doctorate degree. She’s not pretending she’s a “multilingual supermodel architect” or a “successful business

Not so fast. Juan was cool as shit.

And that’s how you get hired by foxnews.

Um, I disagree.

It’s the equivalent of getting a cheese and meat sampler from the local grocery with the markdown sticker still on it and the cellophane all shreddy from where the giver opened it up and stole all the Brie.

She was born in 1933. She’s not a Baby Boomer.  But nice try. 

She isn’t a Boomer. She was born in 1933, Boomers were born from 1946-1964 or so.

At almost 90 years old, is she even technically a boomer? She was already 50 when most Boomers were starting families.

It’s almost like power corrupts.

assassinated for “black with weapon”

And then blame it on the women.

Our three daughters have moved out and due to COVID, I’m working from home but my wife still has to go to work. I’ve taken up a LOT more cooking than ever before and I’ve even taken on more of her share of the cleaning. We always taught the girls there are no “men’s vs. women’s” chores, unless you allow there to be,

The main thing is trying to break the programming from the moment you were born to accommodate other people at the cost of your personal well being. It’s one thing for two people to agree that each person should do around their house “what they’re good at” but it’s another thing for men to take for granted that women

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