
No one seems to have authority over the police forces anymore. It seems like we’re dealing with a rogue army, backed by laws to protect them, who’s union embraced the white supremacist rhetoric of the current occupant of the white house.

One could argue it’s a mob. A terrorist cell.

It’s a special kind of cop that thinks a knee to the neck is the proper response to a protest about a cop putting his knee to a guys neck.

The people in the streets protesting, and even destroying things, have not broken the social contract. The contract was broken long before they started fighting back. Civil disobedience didn’t prevent a man from being choked to death on a city street in broad daylight with people watching and recording the entire

Michael wouldn’t be able to post the article in the next 100 years if he factored in all of the injustice. That said, he knows what he’s doing and I doubt very much he wasn’t thinking of those events he left out.

She works worked for Franklin Templeton Investments.

She’s been fired.

I saw this in the Washington Post this morning, followed by a story about a police officer, in the midwest somewhere, kneeling on a black man’s neck and killing him for no fucking reason, some routine stop that probably shouldn’t have happened in the first place except the man was black and that’s what happens.

Be nice if the Dems didn’t shove the absolute worst possible candidate on us, again. But hey I’m sure everyone dropping out on super Tuesday was just a coincidence. We will never have substantive institutional change so long as we continue to be slaves to the democrats, they act like we OWE them our vote and do fuck

When food was expensive and you didn’t want to waste any of what you had spent years raising.

Not strictly. But fingernail shards, hair and skin shedding, boogers, eye crust.... Yeah, there’s gonna be some ‘people stuff’ in those noodles.

I don’t care.  I don’t use pesticides or anything for my home strawberry patch, so as long as it isn’t actively being eaten by a pile of pill bugs it’s fine.  Strawberries with little chunks ripped out of them by birds?  Fine.  Strawberries with a slug trail right across its middle?  Fine.  Strawberry with one pill

You are wrong he has appointed 2 supreme ct Judges, 51 to the US court of appeals and 141 to the District courts. All have life time appointments. They will be screwing us over for years. Most are very young right wing nutjobs. They will be screwing over America for years .

Chicago Jew here and, uh, the cRc is off it’s fucking rocker if they’re actually recommending that. If that’s entirely necessary to be able to call a strawberry kosher than no one that keeps kosher should eat strawberries. You should never wash fruit (berries or otherwise) in soap - unlike the plates that you wash

And who knew you could just dismiss inspectors general whenever you suspect they might provide real oversight?

When asked why he wasn’t wearing the mask, the president gloated that he wore one but that he “didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it,” the Hill reports.

The ONLY way it works for the videotaper not to have been involved would be if they were black. You see a couple of armed redneck fuckheads rolling down the street at 4 mph looking suspicious af, yeah, you’d film that shit. And probably not call the cops because why fucking bother? They’d probably just arrest YOU. Of

This guy’s going to buckle like a belt once they start talking about charging him as an accomplice. There’s simply no explanation for him to be cruising filming the street that doesn’t involve foreknowledge that they were planning to stop Arbery. “Just follow us and get it on video.”

My first thought upon seeing this video (after being horrified) was, “why the hell was someone shooting a random drive down the street where nothing appeared to be happening? And then, boom, they come upon this scene, out of the blue?” Nope. Nopety nope, nope, nope.

This guy was fucking in on it 100%. I honestly can’t even believe they’re doing the rounds trying to make him look innocent. This interview was ridiculous. Motherfucker was filming before the incident went down, you can hear a gun getting cocked in the original audio, and he had NO MOTHERFUCKING REACTION TO SOMEONE

To the person who argued about who knows what the victim was doing before the video started shooting (and brought up some crazy victim as rapist of the father or son’s white daughter to apparently show how not racist they are) the news sources had already indicated that the father and son contacted police and told