
It's because humans haven't been horribly betrayed/hurt/abused/heartbroken by dogs. I feel this way sometimes. I also care about humans, especially children, but it's so much easier to give your all to an animal. Humans can be shady, have ulterior motives, intend to destroy. Dogs just want some fucking love. I don't

Ok see, these stories are exactly why my husband doesn't want me to go with him and my daughter to the shelter when it's time to pick out our dog, because we will end up with all of the dogs.

THIS multiplied by a million.

here is my foster dog, Nougat, after he was dumped in a Staten Island park a month ago:

I'm not even going to watch this. I can't. I have a foster dog sleeping in the next room, who is the loveliest, sweetest, most gentle creature. And she doesn't seem to know how to play or interact with me other then sitting next to my bed until I wake up in the morning, looking up at me until I cuddle her, or (very

He has the right to say what he wants, we have the right to say what we want about what he said, and his employer has the right to fire him whenever they want. Free speech - working as intended.

Not everyone in the grey is a troll.

I think every person who has ever voted to restrict abortion rights should be handed an unwanted child on the way out of the voting booth. Let's see how well they enjoy forced parentage.

How about people who decide to keep the kid to be given a class on the financial and physical costs of pregnancy and parenting - just so they can be fully informed, ya know, before they keep the pregnancy. Also, a parenting class, because lives are important and the state-enforced information by Texas Jack-offALopes

More of the shocking wave of White on White crime. Hopefully the cooler weather will end this thuggish behavior.

This reminds me of the time I made a placard that said, "How many children have YOU adopted?" and stood next to the PP protestors here. They don't like it when you ask them that question.

Can we get a bill that requires men seeking viagra prescriptions to watch a 3 hour video about abstinence?

Did the 70s have something against using actual photographs for things? Between this and the 70s version of "Joy of Sex," there is a hell of a lot of pencil drawing going on.

Seriously? No. He isn't gay friendly. This is the same man who said gay adoption was child abuse.

Or you could mind your own fucking business. If it's not your body, your spouse's body, or a dependent's body it is NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS. How hard is that to understand?

I'm fat. Not stupid. You're not magically smarter than me just because you have a lower BMI than I do. FAT PEOPLE REALIZE HOW UNHEALTHY BEING FAT IS. We're aware. We fucking know. We owe no excuses to thin people, and we owe no explanations. Our health is none of your fucking business. Leave us alone.

BTW, Hep V originated in Season 1.

The problem isn't that you aren't enumerating all known transgressions of all religions. The problem is that you're demanding immunity from criticism for the religion(s) you prefer, ostensibly on the basis that it's rude or offensive to believers to do so, and then immediately criticizing one religion that you don't

I am heartened, however, by your round-about insinuation that my opinion has any bearing on how people go about their day or the opinions they hold.

I don't see why Scientology gets called out. Honestly, I don't find it any more silly than every other religion, and the people who believe in it are just as real as everyone else and still can have their feelings hurt by people joking about them. When it comes to religious jokes its all or nothing.

Unless it's Scientology. It's open season and hunting's good. Go to town on those ass-clowns.