
I actually don't understand the outrage at her religious comments. Religion is a detriment to society and should have no place in law or order. She is pointing towards Islam specifically but I think the same could be said about any patriarchal religion. Her point seems to be that religion is the main detriment to

Katie, I am disappointed to see such a closed-minded post on Jezebel, especially concerning women's rights. Women's rights activists are constantly pointing out how evangelical Christianity hurts women's self-esteem and how Catholicism has backwards views on women's health. Why does Islam get a free pass?

I'd say there are still hordes of people that still don't realize it, though. Or don't even notice that they don't realize it, really.

Yes, I think you raise some interesting points. I also think there are a lot of women who lack classically "beautiful" features but who project confidence, energy, and intelligence and who can't help but attract others. Think, for example, of women like Julia Child, or Nora Ephron, or Joan Rivers—not glamorous

Or, you know, they're hot because it's summer.

Just gonna throw this out there - clothes do not say a thing. They are mute. They only say the words you project on to them. I look at a tube top and I think "that is a tube top". It's not my fault that you feel the need to judge everyone wearing a tube top. That's your problem, and something you need to deal with on

Wow. That started off well and very "good on you, lady!" for me and then escalated into horribleness pretty quickly.

Saying you "reserve the right" to do it doesn't mean it should be accepted by those around you. You should not be proud of your demands that other women adhere to your ideas of what looks "good". In fact, that's something you should feel embarrassed about and be actively trying to change, because it's very, very

As a belly dancer in her 30s who has not only a bit of pudge and some stretch marks from past weight loss but will ALSO have a huge gnarly scar from surgery down my abdomen by the end of the year... Pffft. Check out my righteous undulating belly and suck it, haters.

Well shit...The DM really let me down. Why oh why did they not tell me this 15 year ago??? I could have spared myself years of embarrassing and humiliating summers earlier! Damn those bikini tops and shorts I dare wear on my 50 year old 5'5 120 body. And the stilettos....Well, fuck that, I'm gonna dig them

My grandmother wore a bikini well into her 60s when she took us to the beach. Biniki are for everyone, not just young thin women.

Thank you for sharing my work here! It's a deep honor! And for the most part these comments are some of the very best I've seen yet, filled with self-respect and honor towards our sisters and, as I feel inspired to say here, there is a lot of fucking LOVE going on here too! Thank you thank you thank you! -Jade

If any of these things start happening to you, grab the man by the shirt, pull him an inch from your face and scream "YOU ARE GIVE ME BABY TONIGHT YES?" Then start to recite the "Twilight" script and stick your tongue up his nostril

100% guaranteed to fend off ANY man.

Crap like this is why ever since I was a teenager around (16) I have dealt with guys placing their hands on my waist and back, grabbing my arse, hugging me from behind, lifting me up, sniffing my fucking hair, grabbing my tits, hauling me into their laps when I walk past them, grinding up on me when I dance with my

Calling it one of her favorite gifts and saying how thoughtful it was is like, the opposite of dismissive.

Actually, one of our closest primate relatives is the bonobo, which is female-dominant. I'm just saying that pointing out other species to try to tell fellow humans how they should act is stupid.

Up until the flat tire line, I was kind of wondering if this was written by my dad. But my dad knows I don't even have a driver's license (grew up and live in NYC, no car required).

Awesome dads are awesome.

The last paragraph made me cry. This whole thing reads like it was written by my dad (aka best dad ever)

My father loved the hell out of me, but he was a mess of a human being, and never figured out how to actually be there for me. He's gone now, but reading this wonderful piece made me realize that my mother taught me so many of these lessons. And that maybe I need to send her a father's day card.

As someone who was unlucky enough to end up with a father who never lived up to the title, thank you for this. There are some pretty fantastic dads out there, and you are one of them. This was a fantastic, inspiring, heartwarming piece. :-)