
The dang ship is nearly circular so there was no favored direction to run (maybe trying for the "gap" or hoping that you pick the exact area of ground it will fall on from a height?)  Also the thing is coming down from, what, half a mile up maybe and its motion is not in a straight line.

The dang ship is nearly circular so there was no favored direction to run (maybe trying for the "gap" or hoping that you pick the exact area of ground it will fall on from a height?)  Also the thing is coming down from, what, half a mile up maybe and its motion is not in a straight line.

Never underestimate the tenacity of an insomniac with OCD on pseudephredine.

Never underestimate the tenacity of an insomniac with OCD on pseudephredine.

Humans as bio-weapons is an interesting take.  I bet the last thing that poor Engineer expected to see staring him in the face after being asleep for centuries is the descendants of the DNA his people seeded the Earth with … having obviously mastered space travel in the interim.  Maybe he was thinking something like,

Humans as bio-weapons is an interesting take.  I bet the last thing that poor Engineer expected to see staring him in the face after being asleep for centuries is the descendants of the DNA his people seeded the Earth with … having obviously mastered space travel in the interim.  Maybe he was thinking something like,

Hell, we even have robots for checking out caves and other dangerous locations here on earth.

Hell, we even have robots for checking out caves and other dangerous locations here on earth.

There are easier and more fun ways to do that.  (I don't know if the audience would've wanted to see that though.)

There are easier and more fun ways to do that.  (I don't know if the audience would've wanted to see that though.)

I don't like it when they use two different actors for old/young.  It was ridiculous to think that Hal Holbrook looked anything at all like Robert Pattinson in "Water for Elephants."  (Yes, I must be the one avc geek that saw that film.  In my defense, I borrowed it from the local library.)

I don't like it when they use two different actors for old/young.  It was ridiculous to think that Hal Holbrook looked anything at all like Robert Pattinson in "Water for Elephants."  (Yes, I must be the one avc geek that saw that film.  In my defense, I borrowed it from the local library.)

Well, the thing was sort of horseshoe-shaped.  Other than the obvious gap (whichever direction it happened to be in might not have been clear as the ship was coming down), there was no preferred direction in which to run other than trying to clear the bulk of the ship as quickly as possible.  I wouldn't have wanted to

Well, the thing was sort of horseshoe-shaped.  Other than the obvious gap (whichever direction it happened to be in might not have been clear as the ship was coming down), there was no preferred direction in which to run other than trying to clear the bulk of the ship as quickly as possible.  I wouldn't have wanted to

I wouldn't take any current statistics as gospel given our limited database … the exoplanets found so far (a few hundred) may not be representative of the overall galaxy given limitations in our detection abilities.  Also, "habitable zone" is a dynamic definition that will change with new discoveries (extremophiles,

I wouldn't take any current statistics as gospel given our limited database … the exoplanets found so far (a few hundred) may not be representative of the overall galaxy given limitations in our detection abilities.  Also, "habitable zone" is a dynamic definition that will change with new discoveries (extremophiles,

What was Leviathan then?

What was Leviathan then?

Deep Blue Sea … isn't that the Kevin Spacey movie about Bobby Darin?

Deep Blue Sea … isn't that the Kevin Spacey movie about Bobby Darin?