
Neanderthal: "Alien versus Predator?"
Engineer: "Sigh. For the last time, that is NOT canon!"
Engineer: "Fine, the 'alien' could kick the Predator's ass, okay?"
(Neanderthals ook in approval)

Neanderthal: "Alien versus Predator?"
Engineer: "Sigh. For the last time, that is NOT canon!"
Engineer: "Fine, the 'alien' could kick the Predator's ass, okay?"
(Neanderthals ook in approval)

The guys lost in the complex didn't bother me that much … iirc, there was a nasty rock storm (!) going on outside and it was nighttime, and too dangerous to leave the shelter anyway.  Of course, that makes their whole "getting lost" sort of superfluous.  It wouldn't have been that hard to write the characters a tad

The guys lost in the complex didn't bother me that much … iirc, there was a nasty rock storm (!) going on outside and it was nighttime, and too dangerous to leave the shelter anyway.  Of course, that makes their whole "getting lost" sort of superfluous.  It wouldn't have been that hard to write the characters a tad

Again, more stuff I hope gets clarified in the director's cut.  I thought some plot points in the movie came along way too fast.  It seems they just arrive at the planet (moon), and immediately find the complex.  It would've made sense to stick in a throwaway line or two while they're still in orbit, along the lines

Again, more stuff I hope gets clarified in the director's cut.  I thought some plot points in the movie came along way too fast.  It seems they just arrive at the planet (moon), and immediately find the complex.  It would've made sense to stick in a throwaway line or two while they're still in orbit, along the lines

@avclub-41da609c519d77b29be442f8c1105647:disqus The Bible says *nothing* about JC's age at the time of his death.  Also, the calendar came centuries later and involved a certain amount of guess-work in regards to back-dating events.

@avclub-41da609c519d77b29be442f8c1105647:disqus The Bible says *nothing* about JC's age at the time of his death.  Also, the calendar came centuries later and involved a certain amount of guess-work in regards to back-dating events.

Must be some Gnostic thing.

Must be some Gnostic thing.

That part didn't bother me as much as some other parts … I can allow that these advanced Engineers have superior senses and intuition in some ways that make noticing something (like a replicant) obvious to them even if it's not obvious to humans.  Sort of how like dogs can sense if there's something wrong or

That part didn't bother me as much as some other parts … I can allow that these advanced Engineers have superior senses and intuition in some ways that make noticing something (like a replicant) obvious to them even if it's not obvious to humans.  Sort of how like dogs can sense if there's something wrong or

@avclub-31202250e6742ed22a4e18316a5c66c0:disqus I can only hope that whatever other giant Engineer spaceship she found in a functional state, she made a point of dumping every single one of those icky vases before taking off.  And clearing out the penis cobras from the trash compactor or whatever it is (oh wait, that

@avclub-31202250e6742ed22a4e18316a5c66c0:disqus I can only hope that whatever other giant Engineer spaceship she found in a functional state, she made a point of dumping every single one of those icky vases before taking off.  And clearing out the penis cobras from the trash compactor or whatever it is (oh wait, that

@avclub-1beee9fdd7f132dc2f36c09ae265122c:disqus Now that I think of it, the conversations between David & Vickers and later between them and Weyland remind me a lot of the encounter between Roy Batty and his creator at the Tyrell corporation. Though in Prometheus the theme seems to have been given short-shrift. I hope

@avclub-1beee9fdd7f132dc2f36c09ae265122c:disqus Now that I think of it, the conversations between David & Vickers and later between them and Weyland remind me a lot of the encounter between Roy Batty and his creator at the Tyrell corporation. Though in Prometheus the theme seems to have been given short-shrift. I hope

Hi, Billy.

Hi, Billy.

Yep … weird misspellings are considered 20-25% more pompous by the cognoscenti.

Yep … weird misspellings are considered 20-25% more pompous by the cognoscenti.