
I got the impression that JFC knocked her up, or that that was implied, and that her offspring would be something special.

Stare me down, essay?

Yep, I get a kick out of it. Milch's batshit writing is the main draw, specifically his baroque-psychedelic dialogue.  The SoCal scenery helps too … makes me want to go down to Imperial Beach and check it out.

It seemed like Rebecca De Mornay's character was the main one doing the angry screaming bit. Her character had no depth and was my least favorite in the series.  I don't know how much blame goes to Milch and how much to De Mornay's interpretation.

Spoiler warning!

Including that time in Japan, a.k.a. How I Met Your Mothra.

Indeed, this "list" leaves much to be desired.  MUCH to be desired, I say.

Perhaps for this one they could've advertised having an exorcist on hand in every theater in case any audience members accidentally become possessed watching it.

"Alexandre Desplat"  … Well, he's got the right name for this one.

I'll take a side of Freedom Fries with that. And a strip search!

Just like the nightly news!

It's dangerous to confuse autists with artistes!

"It's like Pearl Harbor … but with less Ben Affleck!"

"I'll show myself out."

Extremely Lame and Incredibly Kitsch, amirite?

Okay, someone mentioned Plinkett on the other thread.

If you miss Plinkett's unique tone of voice (a put-on certainly, but a good one) you miss most of the sense of his review.  Running gags like "What's wrong with his FACE?" and jokes about hookers tied up in his basement just don't translate well to print.

One thing I didn't understand about "Generations" is why, when Kirk and Picard are in the alternaverse or bardo state or whatever it is, their respective homes feel like something out of the 20th century.  Kirk's kitchen for instance … there was nothing in there that looked at all like ST-style 23rd century.  Did they

Who then takes his place!

Pff.  Grossly overpaid IT loser, I wish!