
Kevin Dillon hasn't been good since "Viking Quest," for fuck's sake.

This wasn't the one with Leslie Nielson?

As has been noted, Borders was fun to hang around in, sitting in a comfy chair with a latte (extra points if you brought it in from outside rather than buying it at their cafe!), reading $30 graphic novels from cover to cover (extra points if you leave them sitting in a pile on the chair when you leave!)   For you

Welcome to America 2011.

It's mentioned upthread.

The hard part is getting the ball past the windmill without hitting the blades.

Asking why another post got a like: post gets an additional like.  Thems the rules.

Oh god, now you got them started …. COLLAPSE THREAD.   Whew.

It's space, not an altar boy.

Clearly it's done at night and with loud music playing so that no one suspects a rocket is going off.  No doubt resulting in Skinneresque levels of absurd fibbing. "What? Rocket? No, I don't hear anything, that's just, umm, the NASA toilets flushing.  Yes, all at once, that's how they do it.  What giant column of

Does it set the stage for Shark Avengers?

They have one of those signs that reads "Roving sharks prohibited."

No doubt the obligatory "Damn it … no signal!" line was inserted at some point.

Thank you, David R. Ellis.

In a follow-up press release, NASA scientists confirmed that they do NOT, repeat do NOT, use an inanimate carbon rod to jimmy a hatch shut in the event of an emergency on board a capsule.

That's because he was to some extent representing the people to God, facing the same direction as they.  Now it looks like he's giving a cooking demonstration.

If there are transsexuals on the Moon, Billy Corgan's head will explode.

Also I expect several private space companies to pick up some of the slack from NASA.  There's Burt Rutan's company, and Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic, and several Internet billionaires are getting in on the adventure.  I think one of the PayPal founders is involved with some space thing and also one of the

They still do a lot both on their own and via JPL (which I think is in a subsidiary relationship of some sort.)  Several unmanned missions are still in the works including another Mars rover (Curiosity).  Currently they have the Dawn mission to Vesta (later Ceres), and a Pluto express which is on the way for a 2015

What about Michael Jackson's famous moonwalk?