
Obscure Monty Python reference? I'll have that damnable tune in my head for days.

Impressive display of what wealth can do. Hasn't helped, of course; even with all that extra lighting, the driver couldn't place it in the parking space.

What would be wrong with parking his rich but lazy lard-butt at the empty end of the lot in two spaces? Still scratch free, fewer asshat points - 'cause we all know where the hybrid-only spaces are.

Hmm...Canadian <> Terrorist. Now, set that to "The Maple Leaf Forever" and I'll giggle along.

Yay! You can see out of it with the top down.

But for the toon-face, Sheila looks like an Eos. For diversity's sake (and better represent the target demographic) Sheila should've been gay.

I want a performance vehicle where you can still get fresh in the front seat!

While the triple-decker does appear a feat to arrange, somebody's going to have to explain the allure of a burnout to me. That's a lot of rubber to not put down in the corners.

Darwin Award: near miss.

Now playing

I'd bet they both felt the need to hold their textbooks against their breasts in middle school. Ah, the insecurities of growing too quickly.

I've been trying to build up some sympathy for this guy.

@pickapair: I'd get into a 1980 Celica any day, though I admit a preference for the next generation:

@CJinSD: Both the Pony and Stellar were available here. They ran until they rusted apart, and then were tossed. If you cared for them REALLY well, you could make a Stellar last 20 years. I still see them (and Pony's) occasionally.

@CJinSD: Sorry to hear about your car advice rep. They'll come back to the fold eventually.

@CJinSD: My point was that with the right mind- and skill-sets, any vehicle designed for blandness, Toyota or otherwise, can be a great deal of fun.

@CJinSD: I'd prefer to think they're our new Toyotas and Hyundais myself rather than landfill.

All right you bunch: confession time!

@CobraGuy: I"ll take a Pinto Cruisin' Wagon for the "cool these days but utterly weenie back when" award.

@87CE 95PV Type Я: True. Their purpose has changed from the original "cheap and economical" to "oddball survivor".

Help! I need a Lincoln Navigator joke.