bandwidth bastard

NBC= No Black Champions?

It’s expensive to be homeless! Especially in Canada, where many of our homeless have smart phones with data plans.

A while ago, I got in the mindset that I should get one of those little Westfalia VW camper vans. I usually travel alone, so it has more room than I need. I never travel fast and that little 4 banger VW engine probably sips gas. I figured it would be the perfect little hippie get away.

How much do you have to pay to sleep like a homeless person?

Half-life 3 confirmed.

She also was very vocal in support of the Shining Path. They were incredibly brutal.

This pedestrian catcher was patented in the 1930s.

- Proven Google technology for on-the-go passenger pickup.

If you put it on your 4x4 you could maybe use it for hunting.

Driving down the street with a screaming person stuck to your hood might be a tad conspicuous though.

You know what else will stick to this? Bugs, dirt and general road debris.

One girl at the office mentioned, after taking one home from the holiday party, about the driver being super creepy and trying to friend her on facebook afterwards. So, yeah, I could see them doing it too.

Or while driving for Uber. Hey, moar money!

Combine with social media, great way to identify healthy people for organ harvesting and schedule the snatch as part of their daily commutes.

here is a good question. if it hits you and doesnt notice and keeps driving away, is it considered a hit and run when you are glued to the front of the car?

And who has to scrape the meat bag off the front of the car? That shit does not clean itself.

Depending on how sticky it is it could be an easy way to kidnap someone.

It has nothing to do with the interference call. Look at that girl’s reaction. I know a sidepiece when I see one.

Those aren’t bulldozers, they are front-end loaders. This is a bulldozer.

Someone took this picture when his agent called him about the role a few years ago