Airplanes Phil

“SCHEFTER: What he meant by that was he feels like he should not have put himself in that situation around that woman at that time of night around alcohol, and that was his mistake he should never have done that. But in his mind he swears he never put a finger on this woman. And people can believe what they want.”

Talking about the op, not Tyler.

Also, should be “Sergeant”, not “Sargent”.

This reads like somebody who’s never read Tyler’s work ever, and/or has an axe to grind.

LOLOL star 4 u.

Shooters just seem so pedestrian generally these days

This pretty much has to not count as Fair Use, right?

It’s possible to see the NCAA as a joke while still getting annoyed at this academic fraud bullshit.

Yeah, you continue to condescend and condescend and condescend and your original point is still bullshit. All I did was point out that one of your own examples was crap, and you keep skirting around it, unable to admit that you’re wrong. But yeah, deciding that “unless I meet them and they’re mean to me” is the only

So.... is Tyler ever coming back?

Here is a dumb story!

And you really can’t admit that you’re wrong, can you? And that sometimes, famous people really are bad? But I love that you lecture me and condescend while being simultaneously unable to spell “inability”. Apologies for your apparently non-horrible dad, though.

I definitely choose to interpret it this way.

Incidentally, I loved the screencap from Bringing Up Baby.

You literally said, “I will not decide someone is horrible unless I meet and speak with them...or they endorse Republicans.”

It’s just a ball with feathers

Can’t tell if funny or just an ass

Nooo! Don’t let the olds ruin this!

This is great. Let’s do it more than once a year.

Looks like the cross pollination has already been a success!