Airplanes Phil

Yes, leave it to the Chinese and Russians to be unbiased on this point...

Cool story. Shame we have, y’know, rules and stuff now, where countries get the waters off their shores, not historical colonial tyrants hundreds of miles away.

The US also doesn’t claim the waters off the Philippines just because the Philippines used to be US territory. Italy doesn’t claim the entire Mediterranean just because the Roman Empire used to surround that sea.

You mean the Senkakus?

Um, there’s really no counterargument to this. China is claiming other countries’ territorial waters... because they are. No other reason than that.

Yes, RT will surely give us the fair and balanced story.

Pretty sure the inside of my butt is a nicer posting than Thule.

You’re a dummy.

Uh, 90% sure this kind of “natural” “organic” anti-intellectualism is much more common among leftists than rural conservatives. This dumb shit is HUUUGE in Seattle, Portland, etc.

I’m 100% cool with that

This is great. Thanks, Tyler.

I have not, but I have heard of it.

Not really the focus of the Zumwalt, and I don’t really like the Zumwalt’s odds against a Kirov.

Kirov basically IS an arsenal ship...

You also have to slip those Harpoons past their nasty CIWS though. And I like the odds of the Kashtan downing a Harpoon better than a Phalanx taking down one of their monster missiles.

Your order of operations is a little off...

True; escorting peaceful vessels flying any flag is part of being a good global citizen in pirate-infested waters. But for that matter, China is also very heavily involved in the anti-piracy effort, and that doesn’t mean jack shit for the South China Sea.

This is all a bit alarmist...

Eh, putting a tiny rock into orbit around the Earth and making a warhead hit somewhere with any precision are two very different things. Plus, their rockets take forever to launch.

Why does everyone make economic arguments like this WRT China? It doesn’t make any macroeconomic sense for China to do that. Same with Saudi Arabia and other investors heavily invested in US debt.