Airplanes Phil

Yeah, the US is the one with “a trillion dollar PR machine”, not the state-run Kremlin-controlled media who pushes narratives like that everyone in Syria is a terrorist and everyone in Kiev is a neo-Nazi

When was the last time any nation-state besides Russia annexed anything??

Wow... you really react poorly when facts contradict the Russian narrative

No, it doesn’t. You apparently didn’t read what I wrote. I’m not saying the US had nothing to do with it, but I don’t see you chastising Iran for intentionally destabilizing Iraq, either.

Maybe because people like the Kurds and the Turkomen aren’t?

Though there are still people who criticize arresting rather than killing terrorists outright...

Why can’t assholes just stop being trash

Are you saying the decision is always made to “yes, let’s just kill all these people we know are innocent because there’s one bad guy there”? Because I don’t believe that’s true at all, but then I don’t know anyone involved in that kill chain, either.

Whoa whoa whoa, aren’t you the one who keeps claiming Assad’s army is mostly Sunni so they have no incentive to kill innocent Sunnis? (As if sect is everything) If so, why are they then taking orders from Assad? Why is anyone but Alawites loyal to Assad if that’s true?

When you pretend to be more enlightened than Americans, and then turn around and spew bullshit Russian propaganda, well... it’s not a good look

Yes because when that happened, AQ and Iran took no actions whatsoever. The US twisted their arms and forced them to go around killing civilians.

Odd indeed; maybe it has something to do with honor? Killing a bad guy while minimizing deaths of non-bad guys is a good thing, but when you’ve got soldiers on the ground, the bad guy can at least fight back. Killing him helplessly from 40,000 feet seems... unchivalrous?

Also because Trump (and certain other amoral right wingers) seem to have an odd boner for Putin’s strongmanism. It’s funny.... for the guy who talks the toughest of anyone in the room, (despite having been a chickenshit draft dodger) he can’t help but lick the balls of the US’ natural and traditional rival.

I don’t support killing EVERYBODY, which is Russia’s tactic.

No, we’re implying that Russia’s indiscriminate targeting of them and use in Syria’s largest city is wrong.

Well I don’t think that’s a great analogy, because in that case, it’s pretty hard to claim anything else but that it was done intentionally.

Okay, fair.

Drone pr0n... is still pr0n

I don’t know that that’s necessarily true. I think we think that way of deaths perpetrated by the military generally.

Well that is certainly an opinion..