Airplanes Phil

Depends on what the North Koreans did to precipitate it. China seems to be growing tired of their bullshit. China also knows full well that the US could have razed NK at any time and hasn’t because they haven’t done anything to deserve it.

ROK should figure out a way to broadcast that across the DMZ... pirate TV signal.

Yes, because just killing everyone in Syria is the solution.

I would not, and I never, ever defended Daesh. But I would also not be fine burning down the entire city.

If by “getting more done” you mean “killing anyone they can, even though the vast majority they’ve killed aren’t Daesh and never were”, then yeah, the Russian’s are getting more done.

I can’t tell if the problem is your English proficiency or genuinely your intelligence.

The 1970s dumb bombs Russia is using can hardly target anything. They’re just trying to do as much damage and kill as many people as possible, guilty or not.

Yeah, just as much “truth” as Russia’s claim that they haven’t killed a single civilian.

You have no fucking clue what you’re talking about. Look up the organization mentioned above.

Yeah, because read what I wrote above about an organization that actively documents human rights abuses against civilians by Daesh and show me where the hell I defended them.

GREAT scene. One of my favorite from the whole show.

Check Raqqa Is Being Silently Slaughtered. Not everyone in Raqqa is a Daesh sympathizer.

Putin riding artillery rocket...

Interesting story... how did the Russian government get screwed over by the fall of the USSR though?

I think the Russians would write rather favorable history books about the US if written during the 90s.

Just their capital, and most of what’s actually in the country.


That’s why you capture those first. It’s part of the plan.

Pretty fortuitous timing. Two years ago and there’s probably no way they return it.

My favorite is their stupid Su-34 “clone” where they didn’t even bother with the canards, they just turned them into huge LEX for some dumb reason.