Airplanes Phil

Dropping very few precision munitions, on very precise targets, in an effort to kill as many of the bad guys while killing as little of the civilians as possible, as opposed to just dumping shit all over everyone indiscriminately?

This is a stupid and unrelated post. Go away.

War also has rules, and those rules involve not dropping bombs indiscriminately on unrelated civilian populations.

Yeah, if some morons still believe “there’s no difference between what the US does and what Russia is doing”, well...

That’s not what happened at all.

I do not!

Are you referring to VLF and ELF radio transmissions? Because they only work in one direction.

That’s because it’s not a submersible.

It was either actually over Iranian airspace or it was over Afghan airspace when it went into a flat spin and crashed in Iranian territory, just over the border. Either way, the Iranians didn’t actually shoot it down. But the Obama administration didn’t really argue the point that it had gone down in Iran.

Think you should consider it like you would consider, say, a fighter jet. Is there air inside a fighter jet? Yeah, but not enough room for people to get inside. You work on it by either accessing its outside or taking it apart. I’m sure Sea Hunter is the same.

It seems more like a tactical weapon system than a strategic one.

It’s an interesting question. Maybe you just have to hope for good weather, like with the F-35?

Bitches, indeed, be cray cray.

Add in a Triton to link them all together, because in the near future, you’re never going to search for submarines without a Triton.

Even the nukes can shut down their pumps temporarily if they know they’re being tracked. Can they ever go as quiet as an AIP? Not as far as I know, but... I don’t know much.

I understand the issue, I’m just encouraging you to refrain from using irreputable and anti-science sources.

Even if it were a submersible, why would an unmanned submersible need an “atmosphere”?

Rarely is.


You mean, if a submarine actively fired upon, and sank, a US Navy vessel in international waters, even without loss of life? Yeah, I don’t think that would go over well, unmanned or not.