Airplanes Phil

The Turks have long supplied the Kurds in northern Iraq, though...

I’m sorry, but I still think the F-35 looks good. I’m not letting my opinion of the plane or program cloud my judgment of its aesthetics.


Ukraine is no longer a European country?

You’re welcome to Go Fuck Yourself (TM) if you really don’t want the US to defend you anymore

No doubt everyone posting on this article will be totally logical and reasonable as it regards criticism of Russian policy...

“Us”? Aren’t you just another dumb Russian commenter?

Incredibly loud, too.

Russia has really no social obligations, though

Also sorry for ruining everyone’s plane boner by posting a Gannet

If it’s ugly as hell but functional, it’s British.

“Fun to drive but a bitch to fix all the damned time” may not inform a positive opinion.

There is more airlift capacity in the parts side of AMARG than, basically, the rest of the world’s Air Forces combined.

Airflow isn’t necessary for radiating heat. Convection, sure, but not radiation.

It’s nice to have a seat at the table of powerful people. Also, you never know when your allies might abandon you or be wrecked. One Vanguard sub means the UK can destroy your shit no matter what happens to the rest of the world. Are you suggesting the Brits rely entirely on the American deterrent?

Incidentally, I’m pretty sure we’ve figured out your actual nationality. ;)

Short answer, the C-130s and F-16s in the video, yes. The C-135/707 variants, and the Hueys, not so much. Some of the 707s at AMARG are literally third world airliners the USAF bought for parts. (Not in the video)

Filmed on Kolb Road. Equally impressive if viewing the other direction, where all the C-5s are.

West side of AMARG vs. East side of AMARG. Everything on the East side is being stripped for parts. West side are aircraft that could be called up normally within 90 days if needed, though honestly you could get those girls fired up in much less if necessary.

Thanks for the assist on, y’know, Iraq.