Airplanes Phil

Pretty cool story. Using Golden Eagles makes sense, as they are far-flung and can be caught all around the world, but given that the Bald Eagle is a highly protected species in the US, it seems a little odd to see them being used this way.

Really quite badass.

Russia may “take it more seriously”, but have you seen Putin’s comments on Climate Change?? He keeps saying it wouldn’t be a bad thing for Russia.

Then why does every Russian action say otherwise?

No, Crimea was given to the Ukrainian SSR in the 1950s by Khruschev.

You’ve got to rock down to electric avuleu. And then we chase it higher.

It’s still stupid as hell, no matter how cool it looks.

Kosovo only became independent after Russia stopped supporting Milosevic. This is something you should agree with. Once the Russian peacekeepers swept in, it was all over, no matter how much damage NATO inflicted militarily.

Ugh, I’m about ready to say bad things about the Su-34 given your silly statements.

Let’s not forget Ukraine, just in case we needed more evidence of Putin’s poor intentions.

There is no evidence in the world that says that Putin is stupid.

I’ll slobber all over that thing for free

Totally agreed. Let’s make this not happen.

As usual, a few disjointed thoughts:

You’re a fucking idiot. Try reading anything besides RT; you might learn something.


Whoa. Well, yeah, I didn’t say “Russian S-400s can shoot down an F-16 anywhere always.”

Or some airliner, not that that’s ever happened before.

Jerry, can you stop it with the fighter pr0n?? My wife is getting jealous of teh intarwebz.

This is a dumb post.