Airplanes Phil


Same. I actually thought it was pretty great; they didn’t do a lot, but it was worth seeing. Bird is loud as hell.

Oh, no big deal. Just an ENGINE FIRE.

I like to think this is an intentional mistake, but I think people are just that dumb.


Man, that’s a helluva shot when the F-4 is the LEAST intimidating aircraft.

Man, fuck Honda.

Still waiting on the Seahawks fan petition to ban “arrogant” and “unsportsmanlike” Richard Sherman from CenturyLink.

Good read, thx

Quite possibly, and if my aunt had a penis...

That depends on where you’re flying from in Alaska. Alaska is HUGE

The Silent Eagle’s CFTs can be swapped out for standard Strike/Advanced Eagle CFTs when you’d prefer the fuel capacity for the RCS reduction. The Silent Eagle also has baffles shielding the engine fan blades, since those are a pretty nasty source of RCS returns. So, sure, you’re not going to get a full-blown “stealth”

I was a little confused by that, too, but didn’t think to check.

Lots and lots of refueling. At least in the case of these guys, Alaska isn’t far from Japan.

“Bomber” — a proposed version optimized for ground attack.

China can project power, just regionally rather than globally. The problem for the US is that we want to basically be as strong as every regional power within THEIR region.

The bad news for the Chinese is that simply stealing other countries’ tech and spending your way out of the military dark ages eventually stops working.

If we had a president and Congress who cared about having a robust and useful force structure, we would.

Yep, the Russians have really come a long way since the days of the godawful looking MiG-19 and MiG-21.

He meant the lines on the A-10 look better than on a Backfire.