
I love the racism you enthusiastically express.
Obama was invited many times by Bill O’Rielly, but he was to chicken shit to appear.

Every criticism I’ve seen of this has boiled down to “lol religious people are different than me.”

A Navy unit showing support for the commander in chief.

It seems like Jalopnik has become an echo chamber for political views that ignore both sides of an argument and agree with whatever MSNBC said this morning. I liked it more when it was about cars. I’ll take my clicks elsewhere so someone else can make their fractions of a penny on my viewership.

What Muslim ban? Muslims from Italy, Germany, etc. can still enter the country.

I am not a Trump fan, nor did I vote for him, but his government is not illegitimate. If you win the election and you haven’t cheated (manipulated actual ballots) you won fair and square. Saying the government is illegitimate only weakens all the correct things you say after.

Everyone would rather blame it on Congress than admit that this administration was a failure. Obama was too concerned with golf trips and visiting with celebrities.

Perhaps Obama should have taken fewer golfing trips and spent more time promoting his agenda. Then all this wouldn’t be “last minute”. Of course the administration was rock solid secure in their belief that the heir apparent would be crowned without a hitch.

“The thinking is six years is plenty of time considering her actions.”

Oh...shut up.

The New York Times is smug as fuck and not in a fun or cute way.

Are you guys really that damned dense? Or just blinded by stupidity? The plant may not be leaving, and neither were those particular jobs, but production WAS leaving, as it is in, jobs associated with that vehicle production were indeed heading south of the border. Now, they are not. Details are still not made public,

Can you guys cool it for a couple days on all of the political articles?