Arctic Flyer

Finally—a car that actually looks like it came from the 21st century.

When [Modest Mouse lead singer Isaac] Brock left the scene he backed into a cop car, but he just drove off. Sometimes life is okay.

Freddy, quit writing articles about stuff you clearly don’t even understand. Since, if you did understand it you would be way more in tune with the real problems of BMW motors and cars then this shit ass list put together here.

Maybe for your next article you can jump on the IMS bearing failure for Porsche train like

Facts? Here? hahahhahhhhahaahahhahah

You actually do a piece about a new car and can’t be bothered to include any actual facts? I know it isn’t all confirmef, but you could make some educated guesses/ranges. Weight, hp, price, etc

Just gonna assume your name is Ashley.

I didn’t know they kept their field mics inside the toilet reservoirs in Cleveland.

Seen it in person and love it.

What’s with the funny little dimple above the Infiniti logo? Looks like when you accidentally slap an inspection sticker onto your windshield too quickly, and it creates a fold.

is $5,500 the new $1,500? I need to readjust my financial compass

Yeesh. Put a few commas in that long sentence. It’s painful to read that without any freakin punctuation.

Never forget, satire is an intelligence test

Haha i think this piece has wings. Over the heads of a lot of folks.

It breaks my heart to see Foxtrot Alpha slump to this level. This is just regurgitated cable news, not the wonderfully in-depth work of Mr. Rogoway.

King is a poor reporter, even by Gawker standards. When she’s not writing articles about how cars should be completely outlawed she’s chucked into weekend editor on Jalopnik. There’s a book’s worth of subtext to be found in that gem.

We’ll pick you up!

I assume they cancelled the Rihanna concert because the French people have been through enough tragedy already.

I learned it dealing with small children:

I would add another addendum:

Good pointers all around, though I think you could just as easily have titled this, “How to host any friends or family for more than two days.” Pretty much everything you ascribe to parents could be ascribed to anyone traveling...and especially friends or family who are coming with children.