airbrushed scareface

You can get by in LA without a car, although it is true it will take you longer and some places are basically inaccessible. I do think we should be applauding his time not driving instead of applauding the idea that he now does drive.

Wait do you mean Isaac Asimov's Foundation series or Arthur C Clarke's Childhood's End?

This is maybe the most mediocre review of anything I've ever read.

What a moralistic, simplistic, mediocre review. To just write it off as "icky" or say "Hooray for emotional regression!" as if a movie can't explore an idea without celebrating it seems to be exactly the type of critical blunder you said you wouldn't make in the opening.

I'm very confused. How was this not censored?

Neil Labute's play Fat Pig dealt with this subject in a thought provoking way that didn't provide easy answers. I know it's hard to remember now but before he was having Leelee Sobieski flying sidekicked into a glass trophy case by Nick Cage, Labute actually did have interesting things to say.

Thank you for posting that noisey video. I was really surprised that they took that raw footage home, watched it and then still figured they had enough to cut anything together.

Keith David is one of the few actors where I'll see something just because he's in it. Even in shitty movies, his moments are always good.

The original>>>>>>the cover

Really surpsied at the Heidecker/Daly CBB being mentioned as good. It seemed like the episode never even really started and definitely never went anywhere.