I think the answer comes down to, depends on the individual.
Because they enjoy both the media from which the cosplay originates and sharing their awesome cosplays with other like-minded individuals. You know, the same reason anyone else does?
Have you considered “enjoyment”?
I feel that Jasons message is an important one. A lot of people, especially here in the US have a “shoot the messenger” mentality. Working in customer service I see this kind of behavior on a daily basis and it really starts to get to you. We are all upset at whats going on at Konami, especially since they have been…
The individuals may not be the ones to blame, and they should not be subjected to the ire of fans, however the very nature of social media is fans being able to say what they want to. It’s the nature of the beast and I can all but guarantee that the actual workers are not taking it personally.
So people like you piss and moan about shitty games being released, piss and moan about being able to help SHAPE a game by investing in it, yet crowdfunding is totally cool.
You are not the only journalist out there. That’s why I said journalists. As a collective, community you have the power to almost bend the reality. Anything from something small like DOA to big things, like being a crutual link in government propaganda and citizen control, I believe in the US that would be FOX news or…
You may not, but games like this have been featured in Anita’s videos as examples of “problematic” games. She has fueled a culture that is entirely anti-lewd games, and it has grown into a problem that has developers scared now due to the social media backlash they are able to create. You don’t look for these kinds of…
this is more obvious sales analysis than this site tries. its pretty simple. DOAX2 sold about 140k on 360, DOA5 sold a lot better, 1.5million total, but the console and region breakdown is hard to find, its pretty easy to say DOAX3 would sell better. This isn’t some challenging analytics (I am actually a business…
What i dont get is why is it wrong for me to enjoy strong women dressed in almost nothing? I like it. But it doesnt change that I treat the women I date as a gentlemen. I dont mind playing someone like Kratos either who is barley wearing his loincloth.
this seems like a common argument ive been reading and its just backwards. Company finally bends to the complaints that have been rolling in, but now the complaints never actually had any affect and its just the company lying?
its definitely cost viable, considering DOAX2 sold 140k on the 360 (a game that doesnt fit the 360 fanbase), was still fully profitable. DOAX3 would easily be profitable on PS4 most likely selling at least 200k
As a feminist and someone that’s been sneered at with the SJW label...
Well... Yeah, people like the Dead or Alive series lol.
And I think the fact that fucking feminists and shit who won’t even play the game but complain about it anyway is pissing people off.
I highly doubt that people are fighting wars so that you can lecture people like a grade A fuckstick. Here's a thought: what if you didn't have everything figured out after all and geo-politics was a little more complicated than what ever the fuck kind of bullshit you're pushing here. "Constant struggle for freedom."…
this film was given CIA intelligence to "accurately" account for information regarding the raid. Yet we still don't know what happened in Benghazi. Sad how much propaganda fluff pieces outweigh the truth for the people and or protecting American citizens and ambassadors.. But to no surprise its been happening for…
As a movie, it's an okay potboiler (B-). But as pure propaganda, it's a winner (A++).