Anonymous informer of the people

From all I've seen, the policies involved in most of the chaos are all GOP policies. Yes, some democrats voted in favor, but the majority has been the GOP and the GOP drafted, passed, sponsored and signed those polices as well. All since Reagan.

Unfortunately, it's not just the GOP. Politicians love power, regardless of their respective affiliations.

The NSA is in enough doodoo (being polite) right now to be pulling a stunt like that without any proof. They would have to make it up if that wasn't true. So why would you say they'd do that? they would be lying. It is easier to grab a few hackers that work for these services, charge them with something like smoking

exactly Dhs at work terrorizing us behind the dark curtains of our own government trying to make us afraid of our fellow man it wont work on me

That's exactly how the GOP passes those destructive laws.

I smell a rat.

They're not what i would consider a real hacker a real hacker fights to protect anonymity and inform the people of what governments and big corporations are hiding it wouldn't surprise me if these punks are nothing more than big brothers flunkies creating a FALSE since of insecurity so some bullshit like sopa can

What if all recent hacker attacks are government created and will be used as justification to enable some laws that give them way too much power over the internet... Kind of like the patriot act does over us.