
Ahh, you’re right! I was looking up recipes for White Russians just now when I realized my mistake. I’m studying in English and German. Oh, I was actually in Berlin about a year ago in the most beautiful pub where I had my very first (and second...and third...) White Cuban; but there they just called it a “White

I’m going to be disgusting and make myself a White Russian with some 10 dollar rum I bought at Trader Joes.

And then I’ll be even more disgusting by putting marshmallows in it. This somehow will aid my productivity as I am studying for two upcoming Linguistics finals in two different languages.

One of the regulars on my bus looks a ridiculous amount like Zayn Malik!!! It took me months to figure out who he reminded me of. I don’t pay much attention or listen to One Direction so it took me until very recently to realize that Zayn Malik is one of the most beautiful human beings in existence. And after having