Trump yesterday: “Russia wasn’t involved in election meddling”
Trump yesterday: “Russia wasn’t involved in election meddling”
He is so unattractive.
For a “billionaire” he seems to have a hard time not looking like shit. You’d think someone as image-obsessed as him would be on top of that, but I also know he’s averse to any kind of criticism so there’s a zero chance of anyone around him telling him he looks like garbage.
Do you think he ties his own tie?
He’s pointing at his nub. You need directions and an electron microscope to find it.
The fucking tie. It gets me every time. It’s like who told this fat asshole that the tie goes past your belt. What person looks in the mirror with a wrinkled suit, a tie that goes past his belt and thinks “Yeah I’m styling.” To all of you that voted for this pig I guess he is a perfect metaphor for your sorry ass…
What do you expect from Confederate Flag lovers?
He doesn’t have to play someone he owns.
Something just occurred to me. I have dealt with narcissists in my life and the one absolute constant with those assholes is that you CAN’T play them like a fiddle. They are unplayable. Every single time you think you have outgunned or outmaneuvered them, they will just go sideways and leave you baffled and confused.
Trump supporters are the un-American traitorous pieces of trash. Full stop.
Lol, like the rule of law is more important than “what I believe ought to be true” to these assclowns.
1. Dementia.
Anyway, the Machine won, so we should just stop raging and embrace it.
I have a lot of respect for these guys, but can we please stop with all the attempts to repurpose that stupid slogan into something defiant? Not only does it not work psychologically (because whatever it says I always think of the original) but because on a hat or a t-shirt it’s almost impossible to distinguish from…
I salute you, Rand Paul’s Neighbor
Couple of tricks to get someone to move their car when it’s parked outside of your home everyday.
She wasn’t yelling. And, confronting these assholes whenever and wherever you have the chance is good.
He actually looks surprised by this. Is he that fucking stupid? What, did he think she was going to pat him on the head and tell him how smart and handsome he is?
The Times is part and parcel of the corporate oligarchy. Judith Miller was the key propagandist for the war crime of the Iraq invasion. That stain will never fade.
I hope the Trump people are paying attention to this stuff. If Trump isn’t careful, he won’t have a chance of carrying New York OR California in 2020.