Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone

My kid has been more stoked about this movie than he was for Secret Life of Pets. We are going on Tuesday for our weekly night out. Kids have no taste and I’m okay with it. He can be a cynical cinematic snob in twenty years. For now, I’ll just enjoy hearing those giggles about a cranky cat-man.

i’m sure i can guess. my concern was, “wet with WHAT”

The Internet of Dead Girls

In the industry of internet writing, certain truths become doctrine: Anger is effective, outrage more so, and dead

Not surprising. Carrie Bradshaw was a terrible character. She was a terrible person and friend, but marketed as a modern woman. A good friend would not bail on her friend because she saw her ex in the same theatre. And she also wouldn’t harass her financially responsible friend for money.

“You think you’re going to have anxiety now? You haven’t even seen anxiety.”

You think you’re going to have remorse now? You haven’t even seen remorse. <— would have liked this said to her during her sanctions hearings.

Collins said in court papers she’s now remorseful for her actions.

The state Supreme Court has now also sanctioned Collins, as well as ordering her to take an anger management class and attend a domestic violence course. Collins said in court papers she’s now remorseful for her actions.

Good. I work in DV advocacy. DV is already way under-reported.

I hope you’re not an English teacher because you don’t understand sentence construction.

It is conceivable she was so obnoxious and inappropriate over such a long period of time that the handcuffing is justified.

I was thinking Stephen Avery and Grumpy Cat plus a lot of pregnant drinking.

Those uppity lady lawyers, always trying to do their jobs! Who did she think she was speaking up when a man was talking? Pfft. Lucky she got off without a spanking.

It’s like he’s a bad person and his eyes are trying to get away.

I just read the transcript, and it doesn’t look like she ever interrupted him. He continually interrupted her, though. Unless she had a really nasty tone of voice, I don’t see that she did anything wrong.

Isn’t kinda disrespectful for a judge to address lawyers by their first names rather than Counselor? This is clearly not a friendly working relationship, so seems like a breach of ettiquette on his part. True, or nah?

He’s in a room full of lawyers. And sometimes you need to talk over that judge, if only to demand your rights as a potential defendant. Moreover, there is almost always an Administrative Judge who oversees the other judges.

And when the judge won’t let you get past “Your Honor, if....”???

As an attorney, the method for bench bullies I was always taught was to say, “You’re Honor, if you’re going to hold me in contempt, I demand that the charges against me be particularized on the record as proscribed in the Judicial Canon, that a hearing be set on notice of no fewer than thirty days as due process