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So even though the AMA says/suggests,do to Cancer risk, no one have more than 4 Xrays per m this Fool thinks the equivalent of 5k-10k is okay? Okay,then when One gets Cancer how will they get treated? Especially since Trump is again AHA/Obama Care which will not cover this since It will be classified as Pre Existing

So speaking the truth is wrong,but telling lies is right? Okay. Yet it seems strange that those that spoke out about Ms Hills statements have used Racial Epithets themselves which proves how Trump thinks. Especially since he thinks White Supremists can do no wrong

So true. Sterling KNEW he needed Blacks,he just didn’t want to associate with them or pay them.

Unlike Trump he didn’t partake in the abusing of Females. Which made Trump think he wasn’t “man” enough to hang with him in DC.

I won’t say the Hazing happened,but since there’s a name for the supposed act it’s happened before and Coach knew about it. So if he can’t be fired,he sure can be charged criminally.

Hope you don’t have any kids since your Trump will send them to a war he started by being ignorant. Then again maybe if enough kids die needlessly you/others will see how dumb Trump is. Also,Farah is British Citizen not a Somalian one just in case you missed that part of article

The things ppl leave in voice mail,really boggles the mind. Criminals think/act like they’ll never make a mistake or get caught. Oops!?!!!??

Thanks Trump you proved how hypochritical you are. You say you and your flunkies can say what you want b/c of 1st Ammendment, but when a Black Man uses same thing it’s wrong. To bad only smart,sane ppl can see what’s going on. I don’t understand those that follow Trump but 99% of them need to wake up and realize he is

So he was great for Cable/ESPN/MNF,but not Reg TV/Thurs Night? This is something I’d really like for them,NFL/Goodell,to explain w/o coming off as racial. I said racial,since that’s the only thing that separates Tirico from Michaels and Collingsworth. Tirico also has what the other 2 don’t have, Emmys for his NFL/MNF

Obviously you know no one that needs this device. By the way it only costs $5 to make 1 pen,yet costs $500 for patient. Making a profit is why one goes into business ,but price gouging those that gave “seed money”(taxpayers) is wrong. Hopefully you never need to use,but if you do maybe you’ll change your mind

Ppl can complain about NBA players pay,but they do pay it “backwards”. Meaning they try to take care of their forefathers, even if they’re only 10 yrs older thsn them. It’s a shame the NFLPA/NFL can’t/won’t and if they chose to they’d be fighting on who pays what.

Just goes to show,as long as Owners reap Billions and Goodell takes the “Heat” he’ll cont to get paid more thsn the best “help” the Cap will allow

Wow,at least we know where the GSW players got their egos from. To bad Lacob thinks tjis way,but he has the “Napolean Complex” and so do his players,even D. Green.

Who wants to bet WFAA suddenly has a prob getting interviews w/Rangers,Cowboys and Mavs personell? Now about those City Counsell ppl,when’s the next election and how many of them deserve to be re-elected,since in essence they’ve “stolen” from their electors/Taxpayers and given “the Loot” to an “extortionist”. I don’t

Yes. The Pizza Shop video showed what he was wearing. Plus,like a dumb A$$, Smith admitted he was the hoody wearing person. Good thing DA decided against prosecution,since he’d have no defense just like on the BB court

Good one. I tried to think of something, but couldn't

Brady doing this,i could see. BIG Ben ,no if only b/c he seems to like everyone and has an O line w/4 Blacks. And Ben doesn’t like being in pain,which he’d have if only as a reminder that unlike Trump he needs the help of his Blk teammates

I wonder what other franchises this “phisher-man” tried. Now,this ex-employee should’ve wondered why the owner needed ALL the players info,especially since it wasn’t Payroll that got this email. It was the Promo Dept,according to another article,which leads to how was a Promo minion able to access this info,to begin

So how did they “come up with 69 charges”? Then not charge w/anything else? But if not for someone saying something no one would’ve known anything. Strange,but sad, those that charged boy have most likely done worse things as teenagers/college students. The difference,there wasn’t Facebook/Instagram/Twitter et al,

When you change colors trying to explain something,imo,you’re lying. Also, if you’re asking for a “handout”, why don’t you open your books to prove you can’t afford to pay/assist monetarily with paying for YOUR not publics arena/stadium?