Speech teacher

Excellent as always! You explained it beautifully. I am a work in progress and I can do better. We white people need a whole lot more humility and it seems in very short supply. 

I find it hard to focus on menial dumb tasks too because it is awful. I read the polls several times a week to see if anything in the white trump majority has changed. Impeachment didn’t really change anyone’s mind? I guess he COULD shoot someone on fifth avenue. They have brainwashed the population. And I accept

Did you think it was a worthwhile read? Recommend it to get insight into whites who voted for a racist (and more)? Full disclosure, white person here.

Amazing response.  Why can’t they see that this evil power is all consuming and they will also be consumed?  Nobody is safe from this evil.  

White feminist here. Call them CU#Ts. Shoe fits. Jesus who does that to a baby? Racist psychopaths.

Got it. Thank God it was not done here.

How was this ethical? Exactly, that surgeon needs to lose his/her license over this. She is going to have major issues and this person has no understanding of racism, what it means to have black skin, as none of us whites do. This type of stuff should all go through medical ethics review before it gets completed.

And it would be great if the Packers would snap up Kappernick. Maybe he could help out.

Exactly what I was thinking. Older dudes stuff expires just like the eggs. Eww thinking about this is totally nasty.

I’m so sorry for you and the loss you might feel because mother has minimized so much of your experience. Good on you for the hard work of standing up for yourself. You know she sounds kind of like a narcissist herself.

Yes he does remain awesome. And so was that takedown.