I don’t want Oprah to run because she gave us fucking Dr. Oz, and by extension the current anti-vaxxer bullshit that has real complications for millions of people. Ugh, my rage at Oprah is wide and deep. x_x
I don’t want Oprah to run because she gave us fucking Dr. Oz, and by extension the current anti-vaxxer bullshit that has real complications for millions of people. Ugh, my rage at Oprah is wide and deep. x_x
Not to mention the work she’s done elevating shit-brained, anti-science charlatans to the public stage. Think Trump’s environmental policy person is a travesty? Wait ‘til you see Dr. Oz as Secretary 0f Health.
You call Magic a “children’s card game” three times in the article, but that was never actually true. I’ve worked at game stores on and off since the Unlimited set came out, and the average age of Magic customers was always around early-20s — the rules were too complicated for younger kids (with several notable…
Just coming by to let y’all know that Gravity Falls is like a suuuuuuper good show, and everyone should watch it.
Something important to note in all of this:
The, “I never asked to be a role model/hero/what have you” argument certainly feels like it should be salient, and it’s true, up to a point—sports figures of all stripes, traditional, e-sport, or otherwise, only ever asked for an opportunity to do what they do at a very high…
Slightly OT (but still “Fuck Trump”-related), but I came across this via FB the other day, and it amuses me very much and I think that you and other political science types would get a kick out of it.
I did not know this about him, although I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, given that he was the guitarist for a band…
COUNTERPOINT: Björk can do whatever the fuck she wants.
Added to the list of things we don’t need: another Bjork article by Rich.
So if I’m at an event and Pence is there, all I have to do to get him to leave is to kneel? Shouldn’t this be on Lifehacker?
I’m wondering if the prosecutor is thinking that this is a slam dunk Murder I, but would be harder to prove the hate crime aspect of it. Is it possible he doesn’t want to risk a jury full of rural Missourians letting them walk if he focuses on the transgender/hate crime aspect?
There’s absolutely nothing Scary about what the Firewatch devs have done. This isn’t “we’re gonna randomly and unexpectedly take down your shit if we don’t like you or your politics!”
Go to the movies these days and here’s what you probably see: A famous Hollywood star, pretending to be something…
This kind of nonsense is dangerous. First, because let’s be very clear: These “lives” aren’t real. Second, because despite the fact that these are demonstrably false memories, they can feel real, with all the hazards that entails. I don’t have a citation to hand, but I can’t believe the kids who were given the false…
So I’m having a really hard time. We just learned My poor little doggie has cancer and had about 6 weeks left. We’ve been together for over a decade, through 5 states, two marriages, and 8 homes. I can’t imagine my life without her. I’ve had her my entire adult life and it’s like the end of an era. :(
Using scare quotes around the word “victims” just because of you don’t approve of their sexual practices is simply slut-shaming. It’s jarring to see it in a roundup that also includes sympathetic references to two revenge porn victims. Either you’re pro-slut-shaming or you’re anti. Pick one.
“Victims” in quotation marks?
Is “victims” in scare quotes for accuracy’s sake or are you suggesting that they’re not victims?