i would totes bang him and be the mr. cheeseburgers.
Perhaps it was not so much about Lorde as that this one actually was about David Bowie; with a montage of David Bowie; and David Bowie’s vocals.
I think the answer is easy. Have an orgy with all the GOP candidates so they all leave. You’re welcome America.
How is this putting us in an awkward position. I'm truly sorry he went through such a horrific ordeal, but he's still an idiot for pressing for this nonsense line of reasoning. Is he advocating that teachers now need to be in the position of making life or death decisions in an already high pressure situation.…
I am DEFINITELY thinking about it. Not even ironically.
I know, right. Shit’s ridiculous
Truth. I have a friend who works at the coroner’s office. He has told me many very sad stories about people dying and not being found for days and days. In (most) of those cases, if the owner had a dog, the dog will either be emaciated or dead of starvation, usually laying right next to their owner. In the cases where…
Right? No actual cat owners could have been involved in designing this study.
This one actually angered me. You’re not eight. Respect the wilderness; we have such little left.
I asked my cat if he would be into being fed less.