
Deja Entendu was my absolute favorite album sophomore year of high school as well. I really fell into a Spotify high school emo hole this year.

I respect whatever ND is doing here and that they selected what they thought was the most appropriate talent. I just also wish, bigger picture, that more people of color got paying opportunities in a field they’re not always super visible in, even in times when a role might suit them.

Then it was very poorly-done satire, and if the tables were turned on another site, you guys would be writing an opinion piece on how wrong it was. You have no idea how much it pains me to agree with the anti-GM trolls on this one, but... you’re just wrong here.

many cheeses taste like a foot, though

Well, yeah, that’s the entire Gamergate platform in a nutshell.

And also, “traditional families” =anti-gay. And what is “cool” about aligning with a party that hates you? Not getting the love here.

I’m not really down with championing anyone who is actively promoting an an anti-choice agenda as a “hero,” no matter what their religious beliefs.

A Price Of Games Journalism

It doesn’t matter which company is mad at us today, or which companies get mad at us in the future. You’ll continue

The flag of our people. We’d raise it high, but we can’t figure out how that flagpole rope thingy works exactly.

WINNER right here

This is a hilarious, hilariously dumb take that I unfortunately knew would be down here somewhere.

Actually, I take it back: I hate it way, way more than Pinkham’s Law.

Yay for ethics in journalism, fuck GamerGate, fuck online harassment, and fuck their supporters.

Well time for the bigoted assholes to start coming out of the woodwork to complain about “ethics in journalism” in the comments. And for anyone asking why I’m doing this, it’s because we all know when Gamergate is brought up, the comment section is swarmed by racist assholes that always get pushed to the top of the

She’s done this on the back of Left Shark, who got bupkis.

Everything (or conversely, nothing *wink wink knowi’msayinnnn*) looks good on old school Chris Jericho.

Seriously, that was how I was forced to wear my hair in elementary. Not a good look for anyone. Except maybe old school Chris Jericho.

I thought Alton Brown had demonstrated pretty clearly that this was a myth.

And all I could think of was the Curse of the Black Spot episode of Doctor Who. :\