Nah. It died out in 2012. I do appreciate Ion’s devotion to all day marathons, though. Nothing terrifies me more than the prospect of watching Criminal Minds from 9 AM until 9 PM.
Nah. It died out in 2012. I do appreciate Ion’s devotion to all day marathons, though. Nothing terrifies me more than the prospect of watching Criminal Minds from 9 AM until 9 PM.
Considering how much I love iZombie, I feel like the worst person ever for forgetting that she was once a Power Ranger.
Did anything go well for any of the former Power Rangers? I feel like Amy Jo Johnson did okay, I guess, and things don’t seem terrible for Jason David Frank, but it feels like the world turned to shit for everyone else who had anything to do with any incarnation of that show.
I find that Nikki Haley is very good at not saying a damn thing while simultaneously talking a lot and shitting on everyone who disagrees with all the nothing she’s saying.
I’m almost impressed.
Well, that’s one way to get me to do a double take and carefully read to see what the hell is going on.
My initial thoughts:
Watching the way Paul Ryan is staring at the President during the State of the Union, I can’t tell if he’s secretly in love with him or if he wants to piss on his head, but not in a, “I’m into watersports,” kind of way.
I’m not sure I understand how people work.
There’s a word for everything you’re saying. That word is, “bullshit.”
This is really not as common as you think.
I understand why people would have the knee-jerk reaction that he did the wrong thing. We all want to believe that we’re all going to be brave and unflinching the in face of an atrocity. Most people, once they think about it, have to come to the conclusion that he did the right thing.
We create fictional superheroes…
You’re not wrong.
Carrie Fisher and Anna Kendrick aren’t my friends and I feel like that means I’m not living my life right.
There was gym near where I live that had this huge drawing for a free membership for a year. I randomly signed up for the drawing because why not? The very next day I got a call and I let it go to voicemail. When I listened it was the owner of the gym saying, “We drew your name! Congratulations! You won!” Then telling…
I know everyone is basically tearing this guy apart, but fuck it.
We all know this is getting shut down before it even gets off the ground. I’m with Luke, here. I want to back this so much even though I know it will never happen. Hell, if I were Disney I’d offer the kid a job right now and start training him. If he…
Buff Dudes, all the way.
Megyn Kelly is an absolutely awful human being. The fact that she manages to say/do something decent once in while doesn’t change the fact that 99.99999% of the time, she’s a god-awful monster who makes the world a worse place.
URL just redirects to anyway.
Okay, but where are the peas?
The problem with George Lucas is that he has interesting ideas but he’s never been a good enough writer or director to be given complete control over anything. Lucas is that guy who needs to have ideas and then someone else needs to shape those ideas into something that works. Instead, he had free reign to do whatever…