Aimee Exorcist

Hot pies or Hot Pies?

Despite not having the infinity stones covfefe

Yeah, my money is on Aerys' secret stash..

You're watching this film all wrong. If you view it from the point of being Blomkamp's third film, in the context of his career, yeah, it seems like a shitty movie. If you view it as Die Antwoord: The Movie, in the style of all things Zef, it's actually pretty good.

I really really hope that they filmed a kiss for a fan service extra when the box set comes out, and I can kinda see them doing just that. Until then, I'll just have to use my imagination..

It was pretty strange that they were all asking how he was choosing his victims and then the show ignored the answer and just kinda hinted it was the same as in the original story even though that made zero sense..

Was anyone else totally convinced that Will and Hanni were gonna kiss in that final moment? I couldn't believe it. Also, Bedelia's leg looks so much like Hannibal's style of cookery it's hard to imagine her having done it herself..

That was a line from Red Dwarf heh

"It won't last. Brothers and sisters are natural enemies. Like Englishmen and Scots! Or Welshmen and Scots! Or Japanese and Scots! Or Scots and other Scots! Damn Scots! They ruined Scotland!""You Scots sure are a contentious people.""You just made an enemy for life!"

The looks on their faces still haunt me today! I thought they were laughing at the chef, when all the time they were laughing at me as I ate my piping hot gazpacho soup!

I always thought the stag represented Will and the wendigo was Hannibal, so it was a metaphor for Will's confusion: they both share similar traits, although the wendigo is more a twisted mockery of a stag.

Transgender is a bit of a catch all term for anyone who crosses gender boundaries, whereas transsexuals are specifically those who transition to the other gender full time, and may include surgery. Or not. The old lines between cross dressers and transsexuals are blurring in places, and then there's the gender-queer

Of course, this could be completely wrong and the episode could be titled that just because they're "home" in the FBI "again". Or whatever.

