
Two things aging typically does to “big” beers such as this are a reduction of the hop flavor (which is why IPAs are usually better enjoyed fresh), and a mellowing of the “booziness”, so this description sounds right on.

One of the many reasons why actual press contacts are a great thing to list on your website.

I bet Duggars are mad jealous.

as long as it does not affect others

And a lot of white writers don’t even know they’re doing it. I’m a white screenwriter, and it didn’t hit me until I was doing a table read and a black actor read dialogue I had written for a black character.

Syro was First Sword for nine years. That’s a long time to be undercover.

The benefit of entomophagy isn’t that we get protein from feeding them what we feed cows and chickens. It’s that we get protein from feeding them carrot greens, the hard parts of asparagus, celery hearts, lawn clippings, dandilion seeds, ect. Stuff we can’t eat but are byproducts of food or other plants in our

Their Abbey Ale dubbel may be the best dubbel I've ever tasted including the trappists. I thought their GOT Valar dubbel was a little weak in comparison, seemed like they were trying to make it more accessible which is understandable if you're going to have HBO marketing on the label.

Well I'm a former carpenter and handyman, amateur mechanic, Eagle Scout and writer of things outdoors and adventurous...I'd say I get my hands dirty more than your average bear. But hey, gotta love commenters who go straight for the insults.

BFA in Cinematography and one-time Director of Photography weighing in here.

This is really tasteless, Barry. That man just had his home broken into.

I'ld guess it was cut off Because of the score

Thats slough. Lower case, as in loose snow rolling down a hill, often creating a cloud of snow powder, not to be confused with much larger and dangerous avalanches, and not the town in England.

Let me get this straight, some kind-hearted Jaguars fan went out of his way to make sure that this couple didn't have to spend a weekend in Jacksonville and somehow he's the bad guy?

His skills haven't declined enough yet.

Well Bush was certainly de-emphasizing the hunt, both by closing the CIA unit in charge of finding him in 2006, and publicly declaring that finding bin Laden was no longer a top priority.

This is simply not true. The AMA uses the Staff of Asclepius, and it's on the standard EMS symbol.

Maybe then you'd be kind enough to share your vast knowledge of Ebola with the worlds virologists who are fighting to understand it?

From my experience with several breeds, and with many bulldogs, I can assure you it does. I have had a couple English and three French Bulldogs, I have been around many Frenchies, they are mental and have some very distinct personality traits.