
Pretty sure that the company is based in Aspen, not Denver even though this happened in Five Points. Denver and some of its residents have plenty of issues, but I would imagine Aspenites- who have a reputation for being wealthy, out of touch idiots - would be even more prone to this type of behavior.

I actually believe that chances go up quickly if the bill doesnt pass. Seems like lots of congress is just trying to use him as a tool to pass their fiscally irresponsible tax plan that is a huge boon for their donors and basically no one else (including the majority of their constituency).

Once they realize that he is

This sort of professionalism has more to do with the fact that you may never find work in Hollywood again if you salt that earth. People get blackballed all the time over speaking ill of past projects, studios etc.

Not saying that they arent fine people, just that there is plenty incentive for them to speak kindly of

Great arguments! Ad hominem is the best way to convince people that you are a respectable authority on the matter.

However, it is really weird that you think that we can fix perpetual problems that predate the industrial revolution BEFORE we could pass widely supported polices (90%+ among Republican voters) like

People make this stupid argument ad nauseum... Basically you are saying that we have to fix the nigh impossible before we even begin to address what is clearly a pressing issue.

We are “the greatest nation in the history of the world” according to so many, why wouldn’t be able to deploy our resources in such a way

People can make all sorts of controlled substances, bombs and god knows what else (including just about any sort of computer crime) in their garages. Do you think that that somehow means that we should legalize that activity as well, because that is the crux of his whole argument.

But yeah, I guess you are right about

People can build bombs in their garages too, and no one is in some hurry to legalize selling them. Your argument also ignores the impossibility of scaling that, and the huge inconvenience it presents.

It is almost as if making these things illegal would present significant barriers to possession for bad actors

No, but before this story was sort of confirmed, it made it seem awfully staged - especially with her looking directly into the camera. It is kind of weird, and it also happens to clearly visible in the shot.

Yeah it is really hard for me to think that this isnt racist, asshole trolling on the teacher’s part too. Hard to imagine he/she didnt think that this could go viral or be a bfd, but I would bet there are plenty of people that would invite the fame - even it was largely negative. Also - who knows - asshole lady could

If you do not have the proper visa you are denied entry. you may think those semantics are confusing to some people, but they are facts all the same.

You know this might be relevant if he were a U.S. citizen/resident, but it wouldnt apply in any case as he is not.

Now playing

“Not you Zaxxon, I aint talkin to you, youse one of the good ones.”

Center-Leaning Libertarian.

Their algorithm also reinforces it - which is the issue.

I dont think most people would think that they are, because real world orgies would have consequences and all - whereas this sort of virtual one wouldn’t. Normal society (in Westworld world) may also be a lot more sexually repressive/open - and this could be a product of that as well.

Well that will really teach him a lesson!

If it doesnt, next time he does it he will probably have to worry about post-retirement suspensions, and who wants that?

When someone was literally just watching the movie that day just prior to making the comment it would make a lot of sense...

Just because I am a nerd doesnt mean Im a Trekkie either. I dabble in lots of different slices in the whole of nerdom, Trek isnt really one of them.

Im not a Trekkie, nor do I care to argue about Trekkie lore.

Not saying thats the source of the info, just that I was watching that 15 minutes prior to making that comment... I would imagine NASA follows similar guidelines, even if we havent made contact with any other life, intelligent or otherwise.

Wouldnt No Doubt (Spiderwebs) be more apropos?