Like most celebrities - he requires a certain threshold of admiration from the populous writ large. Doing stuff like this would not comport with his basic needs for adulation.
Like most celebrities - he requires a certain threshold of admiration from the populous writ large. Doing stuff like this would not comport with his basic needs for adulation.
So basically youre saying that youre insecure, and everyone else should be too?
I would understand if he shot the video in say a mall or a school, but get over yourself dude. You are judging yourself and other people for liking the things THAT YOU LIKE.
Um no... There is a dearth of research on this topic, and people shouldnt conflate personal experience (a datapoint) with data. There have been plenty of anecdotal cases of acute psychosis tied to edibles. Sure there are probably underlying issues, including but not limited to mental illness, but these cannot be…
WRT Coroners I believe its an issue of authority. I think in some places they actually have authority over other elected officials such as sherriff’s deputies, etc.
Not saying it necessarily follows logically, but I do think that thats one of the reasons.
Maybe it is too new but the Gremlins 2 sketch put that pussy right on the chainwax. Also Neil Tyson.
It seems as if you dont know what youre talking about... Different materials handle and disspate heat A LOT differently, making cooking with certain tools A LOT EASIER. These arent even that “techy” they are just durable and heavy (Bourdain says the most important quality in skillet is that it is heavy enough to knock…
It seems as if you dont know what youre talking about... Different materials handle and disspate heat A LOT…
100% in agreement. The only thing that seems pretty unreasonable was calling out the protestor at his show. If he actually had a history of violence, this would be a different story, as it stands - value judgments aside - it is just art and expression.
Its been over a decade since i have read any rulebooks, but is this even addressed in them? I wouldnt think you could get an ejection if you didnt violate rules on record, even if common sense would tell you to let security handle it.
It should have been kinda obvious... Viagra is for people who already WANT sex, but who arent physically capable of completing the task on their own. This is kinda the opposite.
It can be a good way to identify leaks though.
Firefox and some other browsers had (have?) issues with sucking up memory (often tied to plug-ins, errors or Flash IIRC). It is mostly just helpful to let you know that something is amiss, like when apps are eating up resources that they typically dont or wouldnt.
RealSports did a deep dive on this subject recently and I gotta say I am largely in agreement with you... Everyone on there is wondering what sort of effect the “trophy culture” is having on our kids - without acknowledging even for a second that kids arent complete idiots.
I got plenty of participation awards and…
i mean thats my based on the description, but all I see is a flying body and then suddenly what looks like a well placed shot. Cant really see the actual strike/ball contact.
I am still not really sure whats going on here.... Did he go for it like a diving header and pop it in with a backheel?
Come on, bro.
but you should need adult-level cognitive ability to be tried as one.
You are looking at this wrong... People wouldnt vote FOR YOU for that, but if someone started to run attack ads based on you being soft on crime... People will definitely vote AGAINST YOU for that.
Not saying it makes sense, necessarily, but it has proven to be a very effective tactic in elections of varying magnitude.
Where did you get your PhD in armchair psychology/neurology?
Putting something in scare quotes isnt really an argument. These humans are in fact children. Your lack of gifted rhetoric actually has zero bearing on that fact or biology/human development more generally.
Do not underestimate the spoils that being a hateful asshole can get you... Think about how much money people like George Zimmerman, various bakers, etc. have made through crowdfunding sites - and how many people in these groups get well-paid speaking engagements.
Well at least Kymora and her team’s reaction gives me some hope. Really big of her to put her team first (though obviously she shouldnt have to) and her team’s reaction was also wholly appropriate - which can be hard for a lot of adults let alone for young kids wanting to play a sport that they love.