
In fairness, a plethora of blunt force head trauma can affect one’s judgment.

I dont really like knocking guys for immediate post-fight (or post-game) interviews. Even if you werent hit in the head repeatedly, coming off extremely vigorous exercise makes you kinda dumb temporarily. It would be better to see what people

I dont know if thats the case. I would guess that they were trying to make it distinctive from their regular offering - and the result was something a bit more tame (especially for those that like their reg dub). I have had the Three-Eyed Raven at an early release tasting party, and I would definitely say that this is

Who cares. All of the GoT specials that I have had have been solid offerings (just like most of Ommegang's offerings). In fact, we were drinking a Take the Black Stout that I stuffed in my beer closet for a year and it was fantastic.

Ommegang also seems to be one of the best values for (legit) Belgian-style American

More than they would take?

Youre probably right. I am just inclined to give the benefit of the doubt - and alcohol is one helluva variable when it comes to retelling stories.

Well maybe it was kinda as he said - and the specifics were just wrong. I mean if he was also out til 5AM, he was probably pretty wasted too and his actual recall of the events is probably more than a little hazy. He should know that that sort of BS kinda undermines the goals of his argument though.

I dont even think that they are selected per se, so much as they are cynically fabricated.

What do you expect from the same people that gave Memories Pizza over $500K?

I would guess that actual Japanese sex workers and geishas are subject to all sorts of other weird societal stuff as well - with this seen as somehow "more dirty." I also remember seeing some docs on the subject that seemed to show that the Japanese sex market is run very close hold by the Yakuza - and foreigners tend

We are only good at promoting drug abuse here, but, having said that, we are wildly successful at it. I mean just look at the OD fatalities for Rx drugs! We have surpassed auto fatalities - which would make me rightfully excited about car safety if the number it was competing against wasnt on a huge upward trend.

And there is also peer-reviewed research on the effect of alcohol at altitude that show its effects to be essentially negligible.

Of course if you are suffering from say altitude sickness you would probably feel more messed up, but you wouldnt actually be more intoxicated.

Yeah I addressed that (also with parens! though I suppose it is easier to just pretend I dont or cant read). I also addressed the fact that when people are colloquially speaking to player compensation that they mean actual payments to be used for goods and services (even if they are tobe used for basic needs like

I dont really consider Worker’s Compensation Insurance to actually be compensation (despite the name), and I think when most people are talking compensation they mean actually paying players vs. you know providing insurance as legally required for anyone generating revenue that isnt a “student athlete.”

I think Worker’s Compensation insurance is literally the least that they could do, but maybe that’s just me.

Im guessing he is dead now?

What you can do and what you should do arent always mutually exclusive.

Well at least the last one was legit?

I have been trying to find the agreement on their site (I am actually going to be buying some airline tickets from them soon) and I cannot seem to find what they are referring to anywhere. Are there any links to the agreement? I am kinda curious just how low the threshold may be - or if they can use their "discretion"

Podolsky asked for a poll of the travelers onboard the flight (which probably annoyed everyone rather than rallied the troops for his cause) but was kicked off after being told that the agreement that he signed when buying his ticket allowed the airline to remove passengers at their discretion.

You know I doubt that they will be able to compel her to testify on the Cuba revelation alone. The real estate market there is a very new thing, and seeing as how we just starting opening up certain business relations with Cuba - they could easily say that this was somehow business-related.

You know - they could easily pitch this as a business venture, because I believe that there are actually real estate brokers in Cuba now (per a recent report on NPR)- and this is a very, very recent development.

Not saying that is what she was doing, but it speaks to plausible deniability.