
Well that was awfully inane. Nutritional info or scientific studies would go a long way - and the only "credible source" cited is extremely misleading.

Sounds like law school... Is this high school or some preparatory BS.

Yeah I am with you. I will judge him solely on the dumbass horrible shit he did after he was 30 or so.

Yeah I have never been a huge fan. I wish Warren would run or Bernie Sanders. They are people that I could actually get excited about - and daresay even may try to help campaign/canvass for.

It just seems inherently fucked up to go Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush, (random dude), Bush/Clinton, and really her policy

It's kind of like a bitter grapefruit peel farting in your mouth with a side of kerosene.

Are you a qualified criminal psychologist with direct contact to Jace? If not - then you are just speculating based on a number of YouTube videos.

This guy MAY very well be harmless, but it is pretty well 100% certain he has some mental health issues - the sort that leads to lack of impulse control, wild delusions and

I am totally fine with the casting, but I have heard rumors that this was going to be more of a high-tech, glossy affair. Does anyone know if that's true, because man I hope that's not the case. I dont want Ghostbusters to become MIB.

I am with you. I dont know if its technically "political correctness" per se, so much as liberals seem to create our own warring factions, because people arent achieving progress in the way that other lefties may think you should be. Good is the enemy of perfect - and many people expect perfection, not realizing that

You must have a steel stomach. I dont think any of the sugary alco-pops taste very good, but even if I did more than 12 oz. would mean hours of GI discomfort without necessarily achieving the buzz.

Yeah i dont think that CNS failures have caused many players to shit themselves (unless they literally die on the field which is pretty rare). I would guess that plenty of players piss themselves (having talked to quite a few college players) - but only because they had to piss and couldnt go anywhere. I would imagine

It would be easier than deflating them though - and since he had those balls in his possession he would have known what the markings looked like.

That didnt already happen with Darjeeling Limited?

death and destitution are pretty big disincentives IMO.

I thought that the expedited permits thing was weird though. I was under the impression that a lot of teams actively discourage their players from owning a lot of handguns and firearms generally (just like they dont want people riding motorcycles, but guns often lead to other issues aside from those regarding personal

I figured it could have been a drug deal gone wrong or something to that effect. Definitely something that he wouldnt want to advertise anyhow. What a moron though... He should know that no one would have given a shit about his face being fucked up since he didnt make the cut, and isnt even that big of a name. Of

I thought it mean that he actually shit on her (since that's what it says and like you said performance art knows no bounds)...

There is a big difference in the scenarios you present. In one - the threat is entirely external and beyond your control (i.e. getting mugged) the other situation is one that you can control in its entirety. This is why this is so stupid and fucked up, and yet the parents will almost certainly not be punished in this

I think that I am probably a member (of the NRA), and that has nothing to do with any action taken on my part. Also, it is really hard to get them to not count you - you cant just call and have yourself removed.

I would guess that they do this to overstate their influence, much like Rush Limbaugh cannot substantiate

As long as it is followed by a curtsy and/or doffing of caps.

but what if it's for high school?