You should probably make an option for: Kids at wedding (ceremony) ok, but not at the reception.
I dont really see any harm in having them there for the actual wedding, but they dont need to be around for the food/drink and inherent debauchery.
You should probably make an option for: Kids at wedding (ceremony) ok, but not at the reception.
I dont really see any harm in having them there for the actual wedding, but they dont need to be around for the food/drink and inherent debauchery.
That logic is pretty batshit. I wonder if she knows what its like living in a mining boom town (think rural dakotas or pretty much any middle of nowhere oil field). I have read all sorts of horror stories from women in these sorts of towns where the ratio is 5:1 or worse.
A lot of wildly successful people are horrible human beings. I think that the correlation is probably causative.
I think it has more to do with him being a mediocre writer. Controversy is really the only thing driving anyone to his articles, so speaking out of both sides of his mouth is probably beneficial from a click/page view standpoint (hypocrisy is weirdly fascinating, especially in people that easy to loathe). It is kind…
He could just STFU and not mention him at all? (I realize that not saying shit - especially dumb shit - is probably impossible for Whitlock but it is a viable suggestion)
C'mon I am sure that the governor's mansion has stairs.
I think it has more to do with the fact that Whitlock is saying or doing whatever is going to benefit himself most - often in the most cynical way possible. Pretty clear he is just trying to interject himself just because the story is newsworthy - and its more hey look at me look at me (which is really what the…
I figured people would assume it was more Grindr-y.
Were any of the bait-and-switch claims substantiated? If you sign a (legal) contract - it is pretty much on you, especially when they make the price very clear - and dont hide it within 8pt legalese. I mean yeah - they may be dicks - or their business model may be kind of stupid, but that doesnt change the fact that…
So what youre saying is that your company does legal system coverage correctly - and in the way that everyone should consume it, and Serial does it differently so its wrong and stupid? I think that there could be some bias there.
I think that the point is that you would have to put in a good bit of time to progress a new character before you equipped the high-level equipment in almost every other RPG. IOW your character level determines what you can equip VS. your equipment determining what level your character is.
As far as making stuff…
If you cant beat me, how do you think youre going to beat cancer?
You dont seem to understand that the people that arent "getting the message" (i.e. white people unaware of their apparent privilege) arent even trying to listen to the larger conversation.
The thought may be that once the laggards finally realize that being white does afford you certain privilege, that they may…
Soda doesnt mean sweet it means carbonated.
Could it make that much of a difference? I would think that if there were that many fermentable sugars available that the bottles may explode (from all the excess CO2 pressure).
I have long wanted to try all of the delicious sounding Chimay cheeses. There is no way they cant be wonderful.
That genius undermined the basis of his law suit in the other tweet. You cant say that you felt threatened right after you claim that youre never scared. Hope they throw it out and make him pay court costs for wasting everyone's time with his hyperbolic bullshit.
Also Trinity Brewing (CO Springs - one of the few reasons to visit there) - is coming out with a Chocolate River Imperial Stout - brewed with milk chocolate, aged on Dagoba Caco Nibs and whole Madagascar Vanilla Beans - ~11%.
I havent had any of their "big beer" offerings but their Office Space Series is on point. If…
What is their distro like? I dont know that I have seen it out here in CO.
Being a dick (PH and MM) is not "actually having a personality"