
Dont get me wrong I want it closed too, but I dont think anyone knew how complicated the undertaking would actually be. (I like to think that Obama made that promise in good faith unlike some of the ACA fracas)

I am in agreement with you on Guantanamo - and like any truly rational person - think that indefinite

Guantanamo is still open because closing it was not a workable solution. The legislative branch would not buy-in - and no other (trustworthy) countries would accept the prisoners, and the executive branch does not have that wide-reaching of powers to supersede the other branches.

This does not mean that the executive

Just found this (didnt know about freezing and removing the fat on top)…

There are lots of other instructables that actually suggest using cooked bacon and letting it soak for days, but that seems like a huge waste of bacon - and the product is probably actually shittier. That

I havent had BAKON or what have you... Most of the resorts (where we snowboard) do their own in house - and kinda like pizza - even the bad ones are passable - and the good ones... They are transcendent.

Havent made my own yet, but I am pretty sure people just add a small dab of rendered fat (read: bacon grease) into

Bacon bloodies are all the rage in the mountains... People that do it proper infuse their hooch and cook up nice thick candied slabs for garnishes (among other pickled goodies and maybe some citrus). Nothing like getting a great breakfast drink with some breakfast built in.

This is really crying out for some bacon... Infuse some vodka or have a nice candied strip for garnish to turn that shit up to 11.

That is thin peppery garbage... Do not understand the love for that shib.

He is just trying to avoid the $20/mo. "nicotine surcharge" for his life insurance policy.

I have had some trouble with it constantly unpausing or exiting menus - must be hearing "back" when no one is saying it or it is in casual conversation. This can be kinda aggravating in DR3 where its timed - and if you die while its unpaused loading takes a good clip.

I would buy and play it... I never quite finished my original playthrough and set it down - and Xbone doesnt really have much going on software wise (though I have thoroughly enjoyed DR3).

Bob Costas is approx. 4'10", so this is probably a dig at his stature.

Most are actually. WISH GRANTED.

Get back to me when they start having snowmobiling or motocross, then we can talk.

Derp derp...

Judged portions have been part of the Summer Olympics for as long as most (or all?) of the Deadspin commentariat has been alive, so lets not pretend that this has anything to do with "Olympic Standards" or some such BS.

I agree - and think singles races can be awfully boring, but Boardercross is THE SHIT.

How is this any different than scoring in diving or gymnastics exactly?

I actually used to support them for graphics work... They are just tiny hand-thrown drones with a relatively low operating cost...

There is only a small blurb here (see caption and pic in left frame):…

Yes... All pythons in FL are considered an invasive species. The federal government used to (and probably still does) supply some UAV drone support to help track their numbers - and to locate them for eradication.

I suppose the only negative could be that tanning is probably an environmental hazard?

Shitty posts = shitty readership

The point then would be that is clear that most people that voted for it HAVE PROBABLY NEVER EVEN PLAYED IT BEFORE.

This says a lot about Kotaku's demo - when they arent saying it for themselves.

Swatting isnt difficult.