
Yeah I dont really remember her being bad in anything. Sucker Punch wasnt weak bc of her performance, it was just weak.

He did bring up some kinda valid points though, she does seem to play darker characters... Always kinda brooding or what have you. I can see how people would draw those comparisons to Stewart, even if

I would doubt that very many of the outrageously high prices quoted on TV for PS3 and Xbox 360 were ever actually PAID.

There was rampant fraud and abuse by users (creating accounts or hacking others and using them for bidding) at the last launch and the one prior and so on - and it seemed NO ONE TOOK THE TIME TO

When climbing rock you can USE YOUR LEGS. This makes a world of difference.

I guess most of the psychopaths are probably on his side?

Launch titles/libraries have been paltry for a good three generations now. Just takes devs a while to catch up.

Persecution complex: ACTIVATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They also suggested LocoCycle, so take that however you may.

Taken out of context it sounds horrible, but I see this as the guy actually doing his job. He has to take entertain the cynical view since that is what they are working to change.

I doubt that his conclusions were made up entirely in his own mind, because I can attest that when I was working in a DoD project office

Their marketing is AMAZING - their toys seem less inspired though... Looks like they are just plastic tinker toys.

I do understand the horrible plight though- while I dont have kids - buying stuff for my niece can be difficult precisely because everything seems to lack much interaction and certainly are heavy on the

The reason it seems weird - is because you arent a doctor or working in a coroner's office, not because there was some strange conspiracy to kill an actress that most everyone had all but forgotten.

The most recent "evidence" doesnt really show anything - except that she probably used hair coloring somewhat frequently.

I dont think thats a bad thing - so long as they are encouraging responsible screening (i.e. once every x years after 40). People are so weird about their b-holes that a lot of people flatly refuse the procedure that could save their lives, so I see merit in that.

I will say though - some of the people performing the

Why couldnt you have posted some of the actual voting info? I kept reading sections over and over to try and actually find out VOTER OUTCOMES - which is what the headline seems to imply the piece is about.

For those that are curious it was a 10pt victory (55% against - 45% for) - which is sizable, but I dont know if

I felt like that was more of chance to get Morgan AND Tamra's personal life into the storylines... Morgan seemed like he was usually just there for comic relief or is a supporting character for someone else's storyline - save the episode where he gets fired/rehired.

He said gay not deviant.

Yeah... I cant really recall the last generation that had really great launch games. Even Playstation was pretty paltry and not so great (Toshinden anyone?)

I was definitely playing quite a few Xbox and 360 launch titles just because i felt like I had to... i.e. I remember having fun playing Kameo at the time, but I

My calling him a little shit is certainly immature (I probably shouldnt stoop to name calling even after the first stone is thrown), but that has literally nothing to do with logical fallacies.

An appeal to authority would require ME TO CITE OR REFERENCE AN AUTHORITY (perceived or otherwise - to include anyone - even

He needs those credentials to establish his opinion as anything beyond just that (an opinion) - which was my point.

His argument (if there was one) is extremely stupid and fallacious.

His interpretation of what happens in a game IS NOT THE ONLY INTERPRETATION, which is MY POINT.

One person plays Bioshock and they see Liz

That is not an appeal to authority, because I say I AM NOT AN AUTHORITY. I am making an argument that he IS ALSO NOT AN AUTHORITY, therefore his opinion is equally valueless/valuable.

An appeal to authority would be me justifying my (specious) argument with some sort of credential/experience or a reference to an

What exactly are your credentials where your interpretation of the story in a video game is more valid than Joe Schmoe? If you dont have literary or art criticism experience - or are a respected voice in the industry after offering good substantive writing, then you are basically just the little shit Kotaku commenter

If you dont see even a grain of legitimacy in a lot of what she is saying ESPECIALLY from a historical perspective, then you are part of the problem.

She may overstate specific cases or pick some nits that arent as substantive, but she is talking well trodden tropes that have been problematic in ALL MEDIA, which are