No good story ever starts with "Three homeschooled virgins from Phoenix, Arizona..."
No good story ever starts with "Three homeschooled virgins from Phoenix, Arizona..."
Oh dear something on the internet has offended my delicate sensibilities... I do believe I should concern troll everyone by appealing to the oh so innocent days of yesteryear.
I dunno I LOVE some puzzle games and completely dismiss others (this one probably fits into the latter category bc its a really small slice of "puzzle games") - but I see what he saying... IMO Color palettes and icons looks pretty crappy from a design standpoint. I also didnt notice any really cool new mechanics for…
I dont see it ever having mass appeal like something like poker has. It isnt as accessible (you can get a deck of cards at a convenience store) and it doesnt involve one very important aspect that makes poker so appealing - GAMBLING (though it is a skill game).
If MTG ends up on the floor in Las Vegas somehow then we…
They have NUMEROUS times - maybe not the main event - but big events have prize splits OFTEN - tournaments that are the equivalent of the above.
Do all the houses (that you can own) have a perpetual inventory? I am always weird about just dropping stuff, because I know a lot of that stuff resets now after they changed things post-Morrowind (which tracked everything - but eventually led to extremely long load times and all kinds of bugs).
since its already modded out like crazy - I would guess he would do something much easier programming-wise - like infinite continues (arcade style - if you have the funds).
I always kinda took this as they know something we dont. Id bet that NE's front office at least was privy to a bit more info on his pending cases than we are, but that could just be me trying to make sense of it. I am pretty confident that they are just saving time in this case though - though it may not be the case…
The reason I took issue with the cover (not hysteria mind you) is because a lot of people who are committing violent crimes (though not Dzokhar specifically) seem to be acting out of a desperate need for attention/recognition/notoriety. That is why I wouldnt put a violent criminal on the cover of a major news…
It is really one of the only useful metrics we have though - however flawed it may be. If we went with people who were charged or suspected the noise would make the data (even more) useless.
Not saying I agree with the OP (I dont), but there is no a good way to accurately measure who actually committed crimes save…
Was that actually her in the pre-op scenes then (ie the locker room)? I was kinda wondering that - because I suppose a lot of wraps could tie the boobs down and everything but i was still thinking that could be hard (i think he had prominent facial hair too?)I also figured it would be really hard to get those scenes…
Idris is actually pretty awesome - so i would hope he would have the sense to not be the Green Lantern after seeing the first one.
If anything having him star as the lead in another Green Lantern may be bad for the future of non-white superhero films because it would probably flop as the first one didnt do very well -…
-No One EVER
HA! Funny how the sales figures laugh in the face of what you are implying here.
PC GAMING IS NOT CHEAP. That is also why it is waning in popularity. The big PLUS to consoles (just like iPhones) is a UNIFIED ARCHITECTURE. I.E. you have a reasonable expectation as to how any game will perform on your machine without…
Boo Hoo - not every product is designed to specifically suit your needs. If you want to develop shitty games on your own time there are plenty of other non-console - virtually free venues. Not sure why every facet of every product is supposed to somehow please everyone.
This is actually THE CAKE here - just because…
You really shouldnt tell people what to do or assume anything about my mental state. I just thought your comment wasn't particularly intelligent - it didnt make me angry.
It is essentially the same argument that everyone is making though (and you as well). People think that MS was purposefully trying to screw over consumers when they are just trying to stay up on modern distro channels like Steam and everyone else. So they fucked up in the process and SOMEONE FOUND OUT. BIG DEAL.
Making the wrong argument... You should invert that as to why in the eff was that kid ever arrested. These people are assholes acting in poor taste, yes, but that doesnt necessarily warrant their imprisonment.
Pretty sure that there were people on the other side of the argument (i.e. the ones that were constantly getting shot by the same exact weapons over and over) - and that was what was driving this patch in the first place. So, NO, that was not the only reason.
IW/Treyarch make money by keeping their customers happy by…
This is why I am digging Borderlands 2 right now esp since MP isnt adversarial - and I dont have to wait to get into good games/lobbies etc.