
Russell is ambiguous? I cant say that I have ever met a female Russell.

So is it not common parlance (in business at least) to always refer to women as Ms. "x"?

I always had to do titling and cards for everyone and we always went that route. Much easier than trying to find out marital statuses of people who will only visit your office once - especially when it is not remotely relevant to

"Well you insert random internet commenter have changed my mind with your clear insight!"

-No one ever

You can be rational and still not like the fact that MS owns Rare.

I keep forgetting how hyperbolic and weak-minded the commentariat is over here at Kotaku. I guess after the League of Legends articles and all that animosity I should know better.

Yes. It is just like that, exactly like that.

Every time I hear someone talk about murder - I make sure that we get around to talking about DRM and file portability, because IT'S IMPORTANT.

thats a bit hyperbolic. The E3 PR cluster eff is the only hitch in their step as of late.

You mean his standup? I wasnt ever a fan of his standup and I thought most of the best material on Seinfeld was written by Larry David - an oft-overlooked comedic genius.

Why is that everyone wants to rip Larry the Cable Guy and Ron White a new asshole but no one hates on Jeff Dunham exactly?

His humor is the least clever, most racist comedy of the whole bunch and it is all done under the guise of being FAMILY FRIENDLY.

Jeff Dunham is THE WORST. (not to defend Blue Collar Comedy - they

Huh? She hasnt done standup to my knowledge in quite some time, and while she is quite clever and funny - she is primarily a talk show host now. Id say Conan could be considered a "personality" so she probably fits in the same category at this point, even if her stand-up paved the way for her current career.

Random internet commenters do decide the tastes of the populous after all.

I think that they are lame, but thats just like "My opinion, man."

Yeah she looks crazy young - and aside from his hair not graying - he pretty much looks exactly the same.

Texas is known for their overzealous prosecutors and frequent executions though - so this falls right in line with that narrative. Other states have problems. yeah, but it certainly is a matter of degree - and Texas seems to be one of the worst offenders (Arapaio's county notwithstanding).

I am sure the West Memphis Three figure that they wouldnt end up in prison that long either. They arent now - but at least one of them was raped - all of them were assaulted, AND they didnt even get the gratification of EXONERATION.

The DA's office pulled some complete BS move that would allow their release without

Yeah prison is such a fucking cakewalk for most people.

Except he did so in a private conversation - and may or may not have explicitly stated he was joking. Again not illegal. Just like saying "Fire!" to your friend in private isnt illegal - and doing so in a theater (where you can actually cause harm) actually is.

What exactly would be the point of imprisonment if not to teach someone a lesson? We presume that these people have done their penance and learned a lesson after all.

Also - that is the reality of prison, if you arent comfortable with those things happening - you shouldnt be comfortable sending someone there -

They exist, but they are few and far between. The only people who are really legit FGG - probably have a YouTube channel and are appropriating anything remotely popular to drive pageviews/clicks. Ive seen some of these people at Cons, but they are self-styled "celebrities" that usually have BOOTHS - NOT NORMAL

It is ALWAYS implied that the location is anywhere but Texas.

There is a huge problem with this line of reasoning.

Since (from what I have read) he didnt commit a CRIME - he shouldnt be imprisoned. We cannot arbitrarily decide which behaviors are legal/illegal ex post facto, so the reasoning that "Oh its kinda messed up he deserves something" has absolutely no legal basis in our