I think you missed the entire point of the article - in that there has been no causative link established between VG and violent behavior. That kinda undermines your whole screed.
I think you missed the entire point of the article - in that there has been no causative link established between VG and violent behavior. That kinda undermines your whole screed.
Sorry you are so offended that someone made a generalization in a forum that practically requires it. If he had to explain the nuance of every GD thing that he posted he wouldnt ever answer any questions.
The proprietor even says that he hadnt thought to make these before (indicating a good mindset) and didnt start manufacture until a market actively presented itself. What Caballero is doing makes a lot of sense - what doesnt make sense is the atmosphere we have fostered that could create said market.
Do you really think that the parents are that "enlightened" though - and would be comfortable with the idea of their children seeing sex workers as dignified people?
Which would NFL GMs prefer - that Te'o not be a publicity whoring sycophant cockmonster - or that he not be a complete fucking idiot?
Hah. Well if thats good then mine are world class!
Why is that rich celebrities often have the shittiest tattoos? I mean nice gesture - but his grandparents faces look like crumpled paper.
Either way he is a total shitbird.
How does it feel to be universally reviled?
Hah! You're funny...