Except with Spiderman - it actually started well enough and then went to shit - so it was necessary. Twilight started out shitty - and did well to continue the trend, so rebooting seems unnecessary.
Except with Spiderman - it actually started well enough and then went to shit - so it was necessary. Twilight started out shitty - and did well to continue the trend, so rebooting seems unnecessary.
Most other stinging insects dont have barbed stingers quite like bees do. The advantage of this being that the stinger continues to pump venom even after the bee has fled (there are prob quite a few videos easily found on YouTube) - and the more venom each bee delivers - the less bees they need to actually sting an…
WE ALREADY DO THAT. You are not going to be competitive in most olympic sports without superior genetics WRT athleticism. These games ASSUME an even playing field - but everyone knows thats not the case and they still enjoy these sports immensely.
If you are in a vegetative state you are not fully-cognizant of your surroundings - as compared to a typical person. They have usually suffered a great deal of brain damage - which can have any number effects depending on the extent and location of the damage. Needless to say - most of your sensory organs are not…
Yes... It is after all - perfectly sensible to eliminate something most of society enjoys and has no problem with whatsoever - gender-specific sports - because a small percentage of people do not comfortably fit into either gender...
While that is pleasant thought in your seemingly worldly worldview - it would effectively disqualify most females from competing in nearly all professional sports (that are regularly aired on television).
While you still clearly have brain activity - what makes you think that it would be like being stuck in a "hellish kind of prison" exactly? Perhaps these people lead immensely enjoyable lives out in their own minds a la Repo Men.
You are seeing this through the lens of what would be a comparatively primitive species.
There are always misuse and abuse cases. Your principal was likely just an unprepared asshole.
I was more targeting the sentiment that is pervasive in the threads that this phenomenon is somehow automatically "out of bounds" for even thoughtful discussion, analysis and/or consideration.
From my original response:
If they can get here - then they probably have extremely developed vocalizations OR other means of complex communication - otherwise building spacecraft would be the least of their worries. They would also have a greater understanding of energy waves and the like and could ostensibly make (or grow) vocal chords if…
Thats not what I said at all - I am just saying that its an issue that should be looked into and discussed - and not necessarily by DQing the athletes or forcing them to undergo potentially dangerous elective surgery (surgery being an option which I would be against regardless of the research outcomes).
See goat's response... He didnt grow the beard until a few weeks before the presidential election at the behest of an eleven year old girl:
I doubt that. Those people probably couldnt comprehend plankton since they probably dont understand/may not believe in something as obvious as germ theory since they cant see it and it wasnt written down thousands of years ago by people far dumber than we can reasonably comprehend.
This is probably more accurate than you would think. Plaque buildup like that would certainly cause inflammation - which may lead to cancer - and this ignores all of the other bacterial loads mentioned in the story as well as bone loss (which may not cause cancer themselves but can compromise immune responses).
I think its interesting but far from mind-blowing... Anyone can take a spraycan and paint Class of 2034 or a penile self-portrait in some cave somewhere. It doesnt necessarily mean that there will be any cultural significance even if it lasts 100,000 years.
These sorts of top level athletes get the sort of medical attention that you and I could only dream of - which would included measuring all sorts of things - to include hormone levels - so comparing her to a person with typical and adequate care is a bit dishonest.
If you have gender-based competition then this is a conversation that needs to be had - to establish rules that apply to all and try and engender an atmosphere of fairness (Im not endorsing a specific course of action as Im not a biologist/physiologist, but the issue should be address by those sorts and the…
The peacock tail MAY be solely for sexual attractiveness though and not afford the individual peacocks a survival advantage except WRT breeding. I was just saying that intelligence can foster breeding, but is also essential for individual survival (tool making, shelter building etc. etc.)