Correction: We're proper fucked.
Correction: We're proper fucked.
Its what the framers would have wanted.
I think you must have misheard/misread recent news items? We had ZERO net IMMIGRATION in the US (this year I believe for the first time in some time)- not zero net Population Growth. BIG BIG BIG DIFFERENCE.
Instead of basing my view on scientific research, I think Ill just side with anecdotal evidence regarding an impossibly small sample set.
Yeah, show Pycelle bounced back and could shove some of that in Tyrion's face. Book Pycelle probably wouldnt have had the fortitude after being in the black cells.
Wow. I hadnt heard that, and I would say that it was definitely not clear - as most of the blogs (UnderWIRED, io9 etc.) seemed to think the same. The only thing that made me think that that wasnt the case is that the other Pro would probably have been dead after that happened (or weeks later from infection/sepsis) -…
I understand what you are saying, but Im not sure you understand what I am saying. If you do, then I am merely disagreeing with you.
It is so ridiculously ambiguous that I dont even know what he is trying to say and I read all of the books within the last 3 months (so I am still pretty familiar with some of the smaller happenings). Id say that is a sufficient watermark for whether or not something is too Spoilery. And so what if it is intended to…
That was sarcasm, I dont really care what your orientation is (and a lot of people think that Dinklage is attractive - i think he has a passing resemblance to Hugh Lowrie sp?) or whom you find attractive it was just an odd way to end your post.
Yeah I tried to avoid spoilers like the plague, but with the GRRM books, there is so much shit going on, what seems "important" is only moderately so.
So what you are really trying to say is "Im an insufferable asshole."?
Id hope that wasnt just some crazy brainfart in the writer's room, so maybe it will come to the fore. That'd be nice since it seemed all too unnecessary - just one of those scenes designed to shock while lacking any sort of substance. Regardless it will be outside of book canon (that scene doesnt happen and Ros doesnt…
Ok so makeup wouldnt have worked with Rorge? All of that stuff is part of budget and if they arent doing for ANYONE why would they do it for someone who has a shitload of screen time (that means more $$$ regardless of how it is accomplished)?
So random person replies to explain something, without spoiling anything - and then you are huge dick. I mean I didnt really catch what he was trying to say either, but being a dick wasnt really the first thing that popped into my head.
Forcible scepter rape? As if the audience didnt hate Joff enough already. Seemed unnecessary to me.
Its also CGI, otherwise we would have had Rorge's nose off (I mean he is SUPPOSED to look scary, though show Rorge just seems ornery and dirty not really terrifying). I do wish that they would have people be more disfigured and have open sores, etc. it really helps to contextualize the time (quite harsh, germ theory…
Racists rejoice!
Thats a very interesting (and extremely speculative) interpretation. I dont really understand how that works though. So you are saying that because Jon Snow is worried that he may be a bumbling moron, that the show has to make it out like he IS a bumbling moron?
Sansa is also pretty irritating in the books. Youll (likely) realize that you dont really give a shit about her character, and dread her chapters as they come at the expense of her much more awesome siblings, and well pretty much anyone else more interesting. She mostly seems like plot device, like you step into her…