
I am speaking to history - not solely Abrahamic tradition - where various mythologies (including Abrahamic to a significant degree) were and perhaps still are used to explain various occurences in the natural world (storms, farming etc.)

Also - the $ now vs. $ later test proves nothing. A lot of very smart people would take the $5 now (me included) because it just makes sense - especially if you are going to have drive anywhere to meet someone for the cash - which would immediately eat that dollar in fuel/opportunity cost.

I dont really like religion - but I abhor bad science... I would say that this probably fits into that latter category.

Well the conclusions that they draw from test seem to be extremely speculative... Not really sure how they relate any of these experiments to "self control."

I dont even know if it supports your MORE likely hypothesis. They didnt compel the subjects to do anything (though they probably SUPPOSED they were).

I understand how experiments work... I also understand that interpreting the results the way that you are suggesting isnt really science so much as it is speculation. Many people would find no substantive correlation between the two activities you describe (doing something stupid -ie the experiment task - vs. doing

Thats what religion has become, not so much what it was. Religion was used more to fill huge gaps in knowledge (mythology) - which have since been largely filled with actual knowledge. Religion (in developed countries) seems more like a cultural touchstone than anything.

What this study really proves is that those primed with religious cues act more irrationally. How exactly does drinking more disgusting shit than you would otherwise equate to "self control" exactly? Also how does MORE time on an unsolvable puzzle denote self control? I would say that it denotes a higher order of

in all fairness - chores are almost as interesting as the game.

Then he is shit out of luck... He would still have had the last x years to read it. If something has existed in popular culture for that long it cant be spoiled - especially when you have a ubiquitous marketing campaign "spoiling" it already. If you cant keep up - people are going to spoil shit for you eventually...

You have too much faith in the justice system... Id be ok with the death penalty if the incentives for convictions (and plea deals) for AGs/state prosecutors wasnt so high. They have no interest in justice - they only have an interest in furthering their career by avoiding "Not Guilty" judgments. Judges also have a

Im speaking from % perspective vs. a number (which is what i assume is in the article)... cant read it anyway since its on blogspot (blocked here) - and since i cant read it I also cant view citations etc.

Seeing as how you have already had 16 years to read it - you will have sympathy from pretty much NO ONE. What you are saying is, at this point, the equivalent of bitching about someone spoiling Citizen Kane.

I think that doctors cannot legally particpate in executions lest they lose their license. Just because the people administering the drugs arent doctors, doesnt really speak to their competency. Also, i would guess that lethal injection works just fine for most, because they use the same chems that they do for general

I could quickly reply with about 100 god-awful cards... Black Vise (and the other voodoo cards), Shivan Dragon (popular at the time), Force of Nature (also popular), Goblin King, etc. etc.

Most of the old art was absolute shit. I am pretty sure that they werent paying the artists enough to spend any appreciable amount of time on their work back when Revised was out... I still have some of those cards and I have to LOOK for a piece that isnt terrible... Most of the new art is at least well-executed even

I still think its silly and contrived though... The ending of the season should be close to the books - so all this crazy shit in Qarth probably isnt substantive and wont matter as soon as she leaves.

Laying the beer down (gently so as not to stir too much sediment/dead yeast cells) should help lubricate the cork. Failing that you can always just use a corkscrew.

How is that the most desirable demographic exactly, and even if it is why would that be the ONLY desirable demo? A great deal of ads are targeted at WOMEN - and seeing as how they are just over 50% of the US population I would think that advertisers may see this as having some import - which would explain why shows

any suggestion including replacing an item in ANY (good) list with an Ashton Kutcher film is an #AutomaticFail