Um yeah you are wrong about some stuff (and not just your spelling of character names)... Id say what but if you havent read the books - it may spoil some things.
Um yeah you are wrong about some stuff (and not just your spelling of character names)... Id say what but if you havent read the books - it may spoil some things.
The TV show is fairly reflective of the book... There are plenty more references to wanton raping though, so I would say in some ways that the show is very much watered-down, so this whole discussion is pointless - unless of course we want to vilify the source material.
More importantly there is a constant stream of sex and violence in the source material which the show adheres fairly close to.
Yeah... so shouldnt all of the writers and editors already know that GoT is based on a book series (because this argument would be quite inane coming from someone who was remotely familiar with the books)? If you are going to complain about all of this bullshit - complain about the source material... Most of the…
Ok so, if a costumed person does a canned food drive and then feeds 40 people for a day, that is somehow worse than not feeding 40 people so long as some adult doesnt don a costume?
So I guess ETs only abduct people who cant draw for shit?
They have done some bits on real life superheroes (including the documentary that neo mentions)... In that documentary, most of the people playing at superheroes in that film (and ostensibly on a wider scale) are helping the homeless and destitute 90+% of the time. Its also worth noting that a lot of those guys also…
Though apparently some people miss that part... Watchmen was very much about that moral dilemma of the "trolley problem" only scaled up to include most of humanity... I have to say I give the day to altruism - and would actually go so far as to say that Ozymandias is the HERO - even if he is an asshole.
No. No its not.
Me too... It always seemed like there were wide open areas inside the walls - more of a town (save the towers proper) - and I pictured it as more flat for some reason (even though that may not have been the case in the books anyway). I do like the look of it in the show though. They really manage to get across the…
Im speaking in hypotheticals, my point being - just because youre an asshole doesnt necessarily make you dishonest.
Sketch shows are usually awful and do not last long (and the good ones seem to bite the dust quickly as well). Not really sure when FOX had any "super-edgy" sitcoms, and Im not even sure what that would mean on a network (Id consider Louie and Sunny to be on that forefront, neither of which plays well on a network).…
I thought that MAD TV was one of the shittiest shows I had ever seen. It didnt start out THAT poorly, but it got to be awfully shitty... I was reminded of just how bad it was when it was syndicated (on Comedy Central?) and it was on ALL THE TIME.
Being dishonest does not necessarily mean you are being unethical or unscrupulous... Lying is generally an undesired behavior, but the ends may justify the means.
BINGO... Any character that is easily forgotten is a shit character and Joffrey will burn his likeness into the souls of viewers/readers...
I wouldnt say merciful, merely PRACTICAL. Tywin does whatever benefits Casterly Rock most, whatever that may require (being a dick, being nice etc.)
Boobies cost less than battle... They have a budget that they must conform to (also there is plenty of mention of sex in the source material). Also - as others have said - they are saving their $$$ for battles of a lager scale.
This is so totally fucked... Most of the outbreaks that we have had - have been due to UNVACCINATED AIRLINE PASSENGERS...
Pretty misleading there turbo... He forecasted Biblical famine and strife within the century - and has since walked that back...